'Just ignore it'

Actually public shaming is against the Blizzard ToS so any community that does it and pretends to follow the ToS is hypocritical.


Yep, I get public shaming in the case of sensual predators/groomers, but anything else? nah


Hence why it should only be used in extreme circumstances rather than petty disagreements. There’s nothing wrong in breaking the ToS in situations like actual “sensual predators or groomers” (thanks for the term Sig), harassment, threats, etc.


Its fine, but I will expect royalties on that term as I believe I may have invented it now

Calling out nonces and other problematic players: good.
Calling out Gary the Half-Demon of Old Town: pointless and a bit cruel.


Very cruel, its typical circle jerkseasoning/schoolyard/bully “Tee hee hee, look at them haha, lets eXpoSe tHem!?!” type behaviour, no need for it, if you dont like the way they are rping, just ignore them and move on, you arent their boss…you dont pay their sub, stay in yo lane, basically


There is when you misuse the word.

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I actually agree.
Those terms need to be reserved for the cases where they actually apply and not thrown at the more common ERPer who are just negligent as all hell.


Sensual predators isn’t really the right terminology. Sensual has more positive connotations, of being arousing and seductive. Sexual predator is probably what Sigtryggr meant.


It is, but I wasnt sure whether or not to write it, due to maybe it being a bannable word


Yep, that’s why I used the term too.

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What’s more important, ban a bad word, or ban an actual dangerous individual…
Sorry Blizzard, can’t silence your own actions

If the term isn’t caught by the anti-swear mechanic on the forum then it’s fine to use. Banning the term sexual would mean banning sexuality, which would be problematic all on its own.

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Id rather not chance it myself

You’re more likely to eat a ban for using the swear for butt by replacing the S with a dollar sign. Blizzard moderation doesn’t like it when people circumvent the swear filter - I should know, I’ve eaten 24hr suspensions for using asterixes in the middle of other swears.

Wild, but makes sense I suppose

I got a comment removed for replacing the U in a certain swear with an E.


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In the future I can imagine Blizzard agents waiting by your door in order to wash your mouths out with soap for saying a booboo on the Forums

Knowing Blizzard, their agents would mistake “Booboo” for something else after a lazy skimread and turn up at your door with soap, for other reasons, hence why they take no action against certain filth in the game