'Just ignore it'

PCU propably dreads threads like these just as much as the next guy. Being lumped in with
as a group as a whole.

Spoken like a true Redditer


Yeah, Pitchwrench like most his homies is a 5th degree black belt in Reddit, never lost an argument in his imagina-life.

An insult straight outta tumblr. :clap:

I thought Tenesa and the Ebons had left the PCU too.

Yes, the guild is no longer part of PCU (so, all of these threads started by “PCU bullies” were actually started by non-PCU players).

Yes, pretty sure everyone is aware at this stage, im not just on about the OP, but those in the thread generally whining about bubbles n being ignored.

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:PogChamp: :Kappa: :MonkaS: :OtherTwitchEmotes:



Oh my god, he’s started talking in Twitch! Gets the flamethrower


One of the problems with having these debates on the forums is that it’s really just an echo chamber – the same people come out in support, the same people come out to disagree, and the same people are reading both sides of the debate. This (obviously) includes me, since I’m one of those suckers for e-debates who just can’t help themselves - love a debate, I do.

If you look beyond the forum regulars & their friends, most people either don’t follow the forums or actively disparage it. The more common response in-game I find is the perception of the AD forum being incredibly toxic and aggressive. While I don’t think that’s entirely true, there’s definitely an element of truth to it, with the way in which discussions can be pre-empted by hostility.

The OP here - and in similar threads - is largely preaching to the choir, which is then followed by the occasional back-and-forth between themselves, their supporters, and the more heated detractors (Sigtryggr for example). It doesn’t really reach anyone else for the most part and when it does, it reads as just another forum spat.

I don’t think I’ve seen anyone post in this thread who I don’t normally see in other threads, so I can’t really imagine that the ‘raising awareness’ argument will carry much weight either. If the host of these problematic events and their friends read these things, it’ll just be to shrug off any of the (generally legitimate) criticism levelled at them in the same manner that they’ll shrug off general vitriol, because there’s basically no chance of them finding any common ground with the posters here.

They’re just going to see a group of players unconnected to themselves malding over their Love Festivals, rightly or wrongly, and that’s what they’ll tell anyone who asks them about it.

The whole Name & Shame suggestion is a bit whacky, moreover. It feels like the notion of some Surveillance State of Argent Dawn. Calling out problematic/offensive roleplay or conduct that violates the ToS is fair play, but name-dropping people conducting ‘bad’ or ‘lore unfriendly’ roleplay is way excessive – they aren’t harming anyone, and no I don’t consider the health of the server a valid justification.


the irony of this also being that ostracising people from groups/communities in this manner is only really going to shrink the player pool and stop incentivising people into actually roleplaying, likely only hindering the ““health”” of the server in the process

basic opinion: people should look to co-operate when possible - being able to adjust and incorporate a random group of 5 adventurers who stumble upon your dragonslaying event will help improve your DMing massively while also maybe making you a friend or two in the process - however RP groups arent just pieces of LEGO that you can stick together so it’s not always the practical option


This is a bit of a difficult one and, like you suggested, it’s circumstantial. Some guilds/groups have their own private narratives that have been built up over x period of time, and their enjoyment wouldn’t be enhanced by strangers who don’t have an emotional connection or investment in the story turning up at random – it would detract from their immersion and fun.

But when it is possible, in a story that doesn’t require exclusivity of attendance, I imagine it could be a really cool thing. Travellers arriving at an opportune moment, lending their aid, turning the tide, and befriending the group afterwards.

The main point here is communication - Player 1 stumbles into a guild’s event and whispers one of the attending players to ask what’s going on & if they can join in. Then, whether it’s a yes or a no, Player 1 respects the wishes of the group without arguing or trying to force themselves into the scene because it’s an ‘open world’. That’s just basic roleplay etiquette though.


Depends on the situations aswell, not just the groups…I mean if you dont wish to rp with a specific group/community no one should pressure you, plenty of people ignore groups/peoples while crying out for inclusiveness in other peoples content, nothing wrong with only wishing to stick to your own group of friends, but as far as specific situations, say you and your buddies are doing an event somewhere, you spent a while planning it, everyone gets online your having fun doing this event n then a bunch of randos turn up and want to chase you off with the whole “You can always flee…” er no thanks lol, not going to scrap an event we worked on and are enjoying just cuz you want to come chase us off because you have nothing yourself planned for the evening, not every event/situation is going to be inclusive to people turning up n fighting mid event


I deserve this.


Practically speaking, nobody can force themselves into a DMed event anyway. They can demand access, but they’ll just… not be invited into the raid group where the roleplay is going on. They’ve lost before they can even try.

Exactly, that seems to be part of what may be the issue here, people demanding access to other peoples events/content, not getting what they want, and seething about it, that sh*t works both ways, like people often say “you dont pay my sub” so my suggestion is? get over it, plan an event for the evening or do something else, pointless arguing with someone because they dont wish to include you or your group in their stuff

The idea of naming and shaming people for ‘BadRP’ is just absurd. Even ignoring the fact that people often have different interpretations of the lore, publicly shaming people is an action that should only be done in extreme circumstances. Sticking them with a reputation as a ‘BadRPer’ won’t convince them to improve it’ll just make them more resistant to such.

Why do people say “just ignore it”? Simply because that’s all you can do, apart from making civil suggestions to the people in question.


You should re-read the OP I think.

If I wanted to attend these events I easily could, but I don’t because of strange flawed choices the organizers make, and then if said flaws are questioned people will say to just ignore it.

That’s the actual topic.

Well then, live n let live, its not like anyone here can actually force other rpers to their own standard or force people to rp with them, like alot of people have stated the people who frequent the forums generally make up a small percentage of AD and for the most part all have a very similar rping standard anyways even if they dont all see eye to eye OOCly, the types of people these threads are aimed at either wont see it or wont care lol, they dont need to change they are happy doing what they are doing and clearly they get attendances at their events, seems pretty futile really.
Edit: I used to whinge about about how other ppl rp’d, their quality and such, seems pointless as these other communities/groups couldnt care less what those outside think, the negative opinions clearly have zero effect on their ability to recruit and to get attendances for their events…so why would they care about the opinions of people they dont wish to engage with and dont get on with? “Oh someone we dont engage with and dont like, doesnt like how we rp, how should we go forward guys?” I cant see them giving the proverbial rats a$$