'Just ignore it'

You are a scholar and a gentleperson.

I think a lot of people on the forums have become disconnected with the role-playing scene. It’s good that some people are starting to call these toxic attitudes out.

I’m somewhat inclined to disagree here. Not because this has to be false: to an extent, a lot of these posts today look much more like a disorganized rant than several years ago and don’t have the harassment/bullyism vibe that they had back then. However, a lot of the people who are being accused of bullying now were organizing to mass downvote/mass react to topics such as this one. And its not a surprise to see there is a small group of people continuing the same attitudes of old - even if its by inertia, and they aren’t as organized/spiteful as they used to be - but the fact that these small crusades originated from an attempt to control the forums and inflict psychological harm on others should not be forgotten.


Maybe I should try that next time.

Odd calling something a Fricker though.

Nevermind that nearly all roleplayers started out as “badRPers.” Roleplay (interactive writing) is a skill that takes some time to master. I still make mistakes even now, after 10 years or online roleplay.


Just ignore this thread


I think this has to be the best post in the whole topic.

When will you people learn that your forum posts have consequences!

“booboo”, “skim” in this forum. Heh.

You never truly ‘master’ it. At best you get used to doing so in a certain setting and among a certain community.


I think ultimately there’s no other way to deal with these people than just ignoring them. You’ll never get to control what people do as much as I, and most likely several others would like to.

In a perfect world, you’d have people who respect the story of Warcraft, roleplay believable characters, and wouldn’t section themselves off in a bubble if the roleplay isn’t looking favourable to their character. (and obviously respect the game’s age rating hehe :slight_smile:)

RP is something a lot of us find important, and enjoy more if the world around us feels believable and lived in. But the truth is in the eye of the beholder, you pay your sub so you’re free to roleplay however you please.


Someone really didn’t like your post. I wonder if it’s the same person who once tried to claim that the portmenteau of the words ‘involuntarily celibate’ was a “sexist slur”.

Wise words.

Sad words.

No one will ever do this.


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Wanting to control other peoples rp is super lame lol, just focus on your own and people who are like minded, dont be super weird and want to control other peoples rp, pretty sure that phad has to die out eventually for the sake of rp being abit more cool and alot less sweaty and stinking of doritos and “turbo virginity” as some of the “cooler kids” here say


Op! Sliding in here on a banana peel! GAH!

But I reckon, at least for me; I don’t have the time to commit to dictating what others can’t and can do in the little hobby. Even if I would like to - having more time than that I currently lack due to my work hah!
I would simply put it down to a matter of subjective bias; I for instance, LOVE and LIVE for random RP! Truly!

Been rocking smithing ICly and business of it, along with social bits in it - cherishing the good moments I get out of it; and possible new contacts or friends made doing so! Hah ha! :beers::fire:

But of course, are their bad instances? YES! Do I have a standard I wish to uphold sometimes? YES! As I like to keep things ic and bloody consistent! But can I “demand” that of others? When they pay and spend time - time invested that could be done in other hobbies as well? No, is my answer - and so, I think all in all; ignoring, is preferable to dramatic displays of disagreement! And even more; preferable, is to simply “go along with it” … and simply let it disperse; or even - pretend it never happened!

Tis after all, a lovely interactive playing a role in fiction, no?

TLDR; BOO! Cheater - anyway; I might have my opinion on what is good, but feel it should not be demanded of others, as it’s my own wants. So go along with the more egregious stuff; and pretend they never happened if it bothers you! :grin::heart:



I’m not surprised.

Exactly, so, the very idea of naming and shaming “badRPers” (subjective anyhow) is ridiculous.


I think this ramble way beyond the actual topic of the thread it was posted in is somewhat also relevant to this topic :

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There’s a lot of valid criticism from all angles and different perches in things.

However, in the core of things. People will just do what they want to do. We can’t hold people to a impossible standard that we ourselves set because at the end of the day, who are we to tell people how they should do this or that? We can recommend it or say not near us you won’t. But, we can’t just go out slaughtering people on the forums or general channels just because they’re bad at RP.

People learn and start RP all the time. Sometimes it takes me back to 10 year old me talking in text and not knowing what in all heaven and hells I was doing and yet I wasn’t publicly ostracized I was guided. Fifteen years later I’m still RP’ing and enjoying myself as a off-time hobby from work to relax, A bit of chill time after I’ve helped put my kid to bed or spent the past three hours watching some boozy chickflick with my partner.

To name and shame is to just put us in even more tense situations and bring us straight around in the cycle of how Roleplay grew from this massive inclusive thing to what it is today in WoW and other games. Don’t get me wrong sometimes we all need to be called out for our slip ups and things we do. No doubt some people here have been called out and changed their ways…I know at points I have.

Naming and Shaming will just lead us down the path which splits the community further and right now there’s barely a community to split. But, at the same time there is a community to grow. If we help prop up eachother every now and then, you’re more likely to get a returning RP’er, new RP’er or just someone completely different back around. Calling someone out, slaughtering them in public channels…Is that really going to make us look good? Is that really what you’re going to want to involve yourself with? Maybe if we was all 15-18 again but, let’s be honest a fair few of us here have been around the mills for quite a while. We grow and mature as people.

Just my two cents really. Hope you all have a good day and find a common goal with one another to build something.

Edit forgot I’m basically a boomer now so fixed something.


Perfectly worded

Not everybody will want to conform to any group of people’s desires. So all some of us can do is ignore what we don’t like or agree with. Personally? I don’t mind ignoring whatever. Takes less effort than trying to force someone to change, which they don’t have to anyway. And most won’t. Because they don’t have to.

But if you dislike that group so much for using whatever places for events then I have no idea what to suggest because they won’t change because they don’t have to. All you -can- do is… ignore it!

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Birds fly, grass grows, water is wet, and people pay their own sub. It’s a bit of an empty platitude. Yes, I’m aware I can’t actually cast [Mind Control] IRL, but that’s hardly cause not to wish/hope for betterment or, at least, want things not to get worse.