'Just ignore it'

It collapses anyway when figures are compared with those people who are given the acceptance and support they need, and those who aren’t. :pray:


Absolutely vile. Polevaulting across lines.

Aye, that’s how it’s done. Screenshot manipulation is a classic and hey, it’s just context, right?

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I remember ca. 2017 one of the many predecessors of COAD was compiling screenshots of the Argent Dawn Discord chats as evidence and one of the screenshots had me talking about how much I loved Thai food because of this one family-owned restaurant in my city with really friendly staff who remember you and your order every time you go visit.

I’m basically Argent Dawn’s most wanted now :skull:

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My love of thai food is well documented. Crap.

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That’s the thing with twitter likes: You don’t know how people use it. So unless there is any other action taken or a pattern of favouring liking these posts and clearly using twitter likes as a show of support on all other occasions it’s simply an unknown.

Also if people keep dragging GNC people into these issue as a whole when it doesn’t even affect everyone in that group and it’s giving me grey hairs.

It’s again a context issue. If we wanted to make really, really sure something is actually true it would mean extensive chatlogs. Something that really, really shouldn’t happen.

But with this issue I think there was enough of those comments to establish a pattern + it was in an easily available spot with enough people capable of confirming it.

Most wanted
for hugs
Plz? :pensive:

I’m sorry, Levey. You’re an abuser on par with transphobes now.

Just let me be evil, then.

(six seasons and a movie)


It was Instagram, but idk if that still remains true (I don’t use social media, no I’m not a boomer). Hunter also replied with !!! underneath so who knows, but without follow-up comments it doesn’t smell nice.

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It’s always uncomfortable when the word “degenerate” gets thrown around, for all sorts of reasons. Thankfully it’s not quite as noticeable as it was a few months back, or before.


I would argue that this is the purpose of blacking out other names. It essentially reads as “ignore these, not relevant” and protects the identities of the innocent.


God, what an exhausting few days


The people accusing me, arent people I respect at all, the issue with dogpiles isnt even the dogpiles against me, it was originally when Id see them dogpiling any random on the forums they didnt like, in the nicest way possible Skulltaker, if these lot brand/class me as whatever its really no big deal, I think they are incredibly immoral people with severe issues that they need to address so that they can stop being such awful human beings, so them using terms about me that really do better suit themselves and their buddies is just a classic “uno reverse” imo, just deflecting their own hatred onto me, I dont hate people these lot do, they genuinely hate lots and lots of people lol, I would feel pity if I wasnt just disgusted that the internet harbors such people as these and provides such vile people a “safe space” for their thoughts, thank Goodness people generally dont have to tolerate such toxic behaviour irl day to day, that their only safe space for such toxicity is online is a blessing, if these people behaved the way they do on these forums irl, theyd be locked away and put on medication, I find a comfort knowing it likely boils their blood that we all know they could never behave irl like they do on here, unlike myself, my views I can express irl, no one bats an eyelid, unlike these crazy karens and their volatile ways, Im glad this is the only place they can behave like this unlike myself lmao

That AD moment of yours really triggered something in you lmao, “AD moment” lives in your mind rent free now, its within your walls, be careful

really need a proper forum adversary to rise up again for us to cut our teeth on. things just haven’t been the same since shadowlands thanos snapped the community by being so bad

who was that goblin poster that was always talking about his girlfriend and his parents, bring him back

this is just sad

Was… Tubri the name?


Tubri fair, he does have a girlfriend


Brilliant. Genius. Love it.

Yes it was Tubri.

Relatively harmless contrarian that wasn’t pure evil but fun to engage with.

Atleast Tubri was honest about his, well exactly the same views Sig have.

And atleast used some sort of sentence structure.

Tbh basically anyone you guys target I would naturally assume is likely to be a way better person than all of you combined haha, given my own experience