'Just ignore it'

The guy lives rent free in my head because of one post he made about how he’d gone home one night and told his parents and girlfriend about the thread and how stupid we all were and how they laughed together about it.

It was so surreal and I just can’t let it go.


I pasted his recent post into the word counter just out of curiosity.

This… this scares me.


Well, yeah when I mention to my mate who asked, that a bunch of randos on the web were frothing at the mouth like rabid animals about a sports opinion he also thought you was an bunch of absolute plebs lol, had a little chuckle, advised me not to waste so much time on such a bunch of idiots ofc, which Ive been taking, you get barely 20 mins of my day these days

Hahaha PP :rofl:

one sentence. good lord


Hahaha, that is hilarious, but also really really odd on such a forum, I thought you lot really cared about what “the kids get exposed to”? oh…right, another bit of bull? not even an NSFW warning, literally exposing such material without warning to possibly children, so your basically Jade Witches aswell now? not even surprisingly lets be real, no one is surprised

Some serious Jade Witchery type posts, seek help and stay away from children D:

He was aggressively transphobic, racist, homophobic, and generally nuts, but he was also hilariously to interact with because he’d fall for absolutely everything.

When I say transphobic I mean he’d call trans people mentally deranged perverts who wanted to cut off their genitals. When I say racist I mean he openly admitted to being afraid of black people on the train.


You mean beehave?

What are you on about now?

Whod of thunk it, the internet crusaders arent just racist/transphobic and all those other things, but also exposing such material without warnings to a potential audience of minors…so also jade witches now aswell? your legit everything you claim to be against, but again, not shocked

Bee can you stop engagwing with the transphobe in the peeve thread, its peeves not war here


He is actually losing his mind.

Nope, its clear as day there, the pic, but again, anything disgusting you guys do is fine, we know the memo

Practice what you preach

Bee posting a picture of a microphone apparantly means we are all jade witches.

It’s not my fault that you have pee pee on the brain, Sig.

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It’s been so long I completely forgot about this element or why we were even arguing with him. Now you mention it, it all comes flooding back. But yeah he was an absolute clown and super fun to slam dunk.

its your fault you posted such a pic without warning however, but again, not shocked that you guys are everything you “stand against”, Ive seen that numerous times myself recently

I wonder why he doesn’t just leave the forums? He hates everyone here and everyone here dislikes him.

What does he have to gain from staying?