'Just ignore it'

While she may come across very self-ish… I believe Rachel is the worst friend and is abusive to Ross (Ross who without the laughing track looks psychotic)

Although I do not like Ross, he at least has (some) growth as a character. Phoebe remains one note and zaney with little to no growth, and what growth she’s set up to undergo is ultimately the setup for a punchline

Phoebe is not a character, she’s a caricature. Ross is just a terrible person.


It wouldn’t be a hot take if he said Ross.

The real hot take is that they are all bad Friends.

Phoebe definitely feels like she shouldn’t be in that group at all though even if I love her dearly.

Nobody does. Why do you think he spends a majority of his day here spouting these views?

Eveeyone else has shunned him. He has nothing else.

My extremely common take:

Monica is the best Friend

They are all garbage.

He has a kid.

Sig. Spend time with your kid.


Weird. For me she is the absolute worst and I can’t stand her.

Sometimes I can still hear Akamito’s voice in the wind…

Yeah, it’s saying that Monica and Chandler are a bad couple and should never have been paired together.

“To the last, I shall grapple with thee.”
“From Hell’s heart, I stab at thee.”
“My last breath, I spit at thee.”

Thread summarized each time someone tries to leave.

Friends (the TV show) is overrated.



Monica, Chandler, Joey are the best Friends

Ross, Rachel, Phoebe are the worst Friends

in that order

To be fair, has Sig actually ever truly tried to leave, or has he just claimed he was trying to each time before immediately typing in something else equally as trite?


Ill be real honest, considering everything he has said, I dont think that is healthy for the child.


You’re overrated

Every character in Friends is flanderized by the end. Joey in season one? Street-smart guy who’s just not very bright otherwise. Joey in later seasons? Dribbling idiot.

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No idea, I am getting Khan-vibes here tbh… ( Okay yes, I just recently watched Wrath of Khan, I’m not sorry).

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On our wedding day my wife walked down the aisle to an acoustic rendition of the Friends intro.

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