'Just ignore it'

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Yeah the 90s was the peak of TV

Funny thing is, I literally predicted this aswell yesterday, I said…if I pointed out someone saying something Jade Witchy, people would jump to their defense haha, low and behold…less than 24 hours later, guys do better, be better than the people you claim to hate/campaign against, dont just be them but rebranded? be the opposite of what you claim to hate, stop being exactly the same thing as those you “crusade” against.


Extremely powerful

As long as you didn’t say Rachel’s name instead of Emily’s then it’s fine.

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Excuse me that’s gore, and that’s NSFW, and you’re subjecting children to that.

(I am just joking, I swear!)


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In all seriousness though, it’s just getting sad now. Actually no, it already got sad yesterday.

Its not gore, somebody was using the crappy paintbrush in Paint.

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Me, I do like Friends. It’s a comfort show I watch when I’m feeling stressed or anxious over something. A few episodes of Friends (seasons 1-5) is food for the soul

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Is the perfect way to describe the forum crusading crew, you are everything you claim to be against, and within less than 3-4 days you’ll display that for everyone to see, AD is so much bigger than the measly 15 odd people who exactly like yourself.

It’s sad as soon as Sig posts anything

as ever sig your a credit to the travelling community for your bigotry and thinking you “haha gottem” with a rl friend re an internet forum calling you out on transphobia.

in positive news, i read today that the LGB alliance is now classed as a hate/terrorist group here in Ireland and is subject to the same penalties of law as fascists, isis sympathisers, etc. some decent progress for once


Scrubs is my comfort sitcom.


All these languages to choose from and for the past 3 days you’ve spoken nothing but gibberish

I miss Aiden & Dorian :pensive:

Yeah we rewatch various seasons fairly regularly. Mainly the earlier ones though.

also this one. scrubs helped me through the worst break up of my life and i will love it forever dearly.

Keep meaning to watch that he whole way through.

I dont expose innapropriate material on a forum for minors to see, dont defend such behaviour, dont end up being basically the Keti lot.