'Just ignore it'

I jest, honestly. I know it’s painted on.

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Sig, can you for a moment stop firing off replies faster than a machinegun?

Why are you here?

No, I know. I should’ve probably picked a meme with actual blood in it and claimed that. But hindsight is 20/20/

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Nah, did you even see the prawnographic material posted? absolutely vile, these the same people who claim to be against such behaviour, posting it with no warnings so minors can see…not shocked though and people defending it exactly how I predicted last night, I said even a Jade witch would be defended if I had something to say, and low and behold, the next day…

Friends, The Office, Community are my comfort sitcoms depending on the mood


Here is my hot take

I, as a UK peasant, prefer US office


Only US office. UK office is way too dry

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is that the one with Ricky Gervais in it?

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It’s actually really funny of Sig kicking up a fuss over a phallic microphone and Jade Witchery, when he’s an actual knob and by his logic should not be allowed near children either.


Not really a sitcom maybe, but I like watching Brooklynn 99 as a way to just relax/comfort.

I don’t like the UK Office. And perhaps this is truly a hot take, but I don’t really like British sit coms in general. They all feel, in my opinion, like they’re trying too hard to throw sarcastic one liners at each other without really going anywhere.


The US Office has a lot of heart. I wish you could tell you were in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.


it is and while i dont usually mind gervais his humour just doesnt hit the mark in it

That was not so good no, but I wish to ask you something.

You’ve claimed that everyone on this forum is horrible, I’m pretty sure. Does that include me as well?

Just so you know it’s: The Office and The Office (US).

One is the original and one is an adaptation . . .

Blackadder makes big poo-poo on any American comedy btw.

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See, defending what was posted, trying to deflect, you guys really are just the Keti Caravan with better linguistic skills arent you? Swear Sathrynn used to be tight af with you lot aswell…

This was almost too much to handle, should I put an nsfw warning?

Never liked him.

Don’t like him even more after his Caitlyn Jenner remarks.

No, she’s a horrible person.

You do not need to pick on her being trans you twit.

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Your not posting innapropriate material, Bee did, but dont defend it, thatd be like…defending Keti

Where are they defending it though? Literally just pointed out that it’s a microphone.

And even then, at least I took accountability for my actions and apologised. Can you say the same?

Also if you genuinely think that a meme of a microphone is on equal level to seeking out children to ERP with, you’re beyond help.