'Just ignore it'

A parental figure so full of hatred and anger is pretty severe in all seriousness. How is a child ever expect to feel safe or comfortable when one of the people supposed to be their role model and protector is so full of sheer hatred towards so many different groups of people and so ready to throw out threats of physical violence.

I’ve been 100% sincere when I’ve said I think its really unhealthy and that I worry for his family.


Guys, can you help me figure out a problem I’ve been having? See I have these plastic drinking straws, but some of them have been crushed, some of them have been snapped in half, and some of them have outright gone missing.

I looked it up online and apparently this can happen when an individual is grasping at straws. Can you help me find the culprit?


Your actions being showing wildly innapropriate material on a forum where minors can see it with no warning to begin with, so basically…Jade Witch type stuff D: ouph but againm youll somehow twist this to being about me

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As if Sig couldn’t get worse he keeps going. My man needs therapy.

OK but your opinion is a wild example of bigotry and inappropriate on a public forum too so?



I aint the one exposing such material to potential minors, nor am I defending it, the word you used that got you banned before? I feel that word applies to you lot way more than anyone you accuse of being it.

You’re making stuff up my dude
You’re boxing shadows

I don’t think he will ever answer you. Which probably says what you were wondering.

No no. I posted a suggestive image and I take full responsibility for my actions.

It has been tagged now and I’ve apologised. I vow to not do it again. I want to grow and learn from my mistakes.


“Oh I apologised for exposing adult material to possible minors” “Poor taste joke” lmao, if Im a clown, yall the whole darn circus

Funnily it’s perhaps the one and only thing he knows about fighting, clearly knowledge of MMA isn’t on the cards.


That’s still not what happened

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It really do be that simple.

We’re human, Mr Imperfect, we all make mistakes. What is important is that we grow and learn from them.

Its exactly what happened

As if he would ever have the guts to do the same, the coward.

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Nah, I dont expose such material to possible minors, but then again, Im not…“that way inclined”, eugh, you disgust me.

i think it says how far removed ive become of celebrity culture when so many of these is news to me. jfc.

How long u guys think 'fore we hit 2000 posts?