'Just ignore it'

I’m going to interrupt the hatred with something cute instead.


Eh, he did answer me the one time, maybe he will again if he’s not firing a verbal machinegun at you guys.

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From your delusion maybe.

Everything that is contrary to Sigtryggr is:
Transphobic (even tho he is transphobic)
Probably a conspiracy it must be a conspiracy there are people in my walls


blessed ty

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Whod of thunk it, “Queen Bee” exposing minors to innapropriate material, shock horror, the fake crusaders are everything they claim to be against.

I’m hoping it’s locked before then.

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What about when you expose minors to offensive trans-exclusionary perspectives?


I’m not up on celebrity culture myself.

But I do often see when one stumbles into something with their unsolicited opinion.

The fact Gervais doubled down on it tells me all I need to know about him.

It’s a picture of a microphone, Sig. If you saw something else, then I’m sorry but that’s not really my problem.

I’ve apologised. I’ve tagged it. There’s little else I can do. Remove the post so you can attempt to shame me for it, perhaps? No. I’m accountable for my actions, and you can’t say the same.

Even then, you are reaching. It’s like saying that people that make prawnography are Jade Witches because a kid might see it.


Sports opinions, but when about when your buddies expose minors to pronoun jokes, or when they are racist, or when they expose adult material to minors? you guys are sooooo much worse than me lol and it legitimately annoys you, hence why you always come running back with the replies and deflections when one of you does a major clown shoes move and I point it out, sort it out, sort yourselves out!

Another thousand posts on this thread and I will stop memeing and unironically post my thoughts on the British Empire

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Since we’re on a roll, I’ll further update my list of things Sig has directly done:

  • Called people jade witches for no reason.
  • More direct personal attacks on people.
  • Called people mentally ill in various nasty ways and remarks.

Practice what you preach and go see a therapist

You changed it for a reason lol, we all know what you posted originally, you know it aswell, Mrs.Keti (I wouldnt blame you to deny it now though, that is your best move)

Nooooo it’s not me!!! Everyone else is wrong!!!


Don’t make us sail to Chatham again! :netherlands:

sad to say its not uncommon amongst his ethnicity here. while i dont draw like to draw that card, transphobic offenses are amongst the highest of the travelling community in ireland. i live two doors up from a family of them and two doors down from another family and theres something about hearing a 5 year old scream “KILL A bleeped tr***y” that makes you lose every ounce of hope in the future generations


995 posts remain


Inbefore him going of the deep-end(more than before) again because you brought this up.

While I don’t consider myself a traveller, I have ancestors who were.

Yet even though hypothetically they would be as transphobic as Sig, I am not and I’m not here having a melt down.

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