'Just ignore it'

Forumites casually exposing innapropriate material online to possibly minors with no warnings, buuuuuut it is the regulars so thats okay, its only weird when OTHER jade witches do it.

Go see a doctor, Sig

Is what you should say to your buddies who expose such things to minors, or maybe go see the police and hand yourself in? that would be good advise to give your friend right now

as have i on my fathers side, and he remembers how they used to be. an eccentric people for sure but absolute delights to speak with. their still there today, as theres another family of them that live around the corner who were friends of mine in school. sadly as we know well, vocal minorities.

He shouldn’t, he’ll blame the doctor for having an illness.

Actually that might be true given he’s apparently been anti-vax in the past.


You expose such material to possible minors, you are just as bad imo, if you can do that so brazenly, what else are you capable of behind closed doors?

“Go see a doctor, Sig” but this time to all my buddies

You are a transphobe, you are just as bad imo.


Oh my god the rabbit hole goes deeper.

Why does these thing always come in bulk? It’s never one or the other.


Wow, imagine comparing a sports opinion to being a Jade Witch, you really are way more dense than you realise, stay away from children

If you can be a transphobe so brazenly, what else are you capable of behind closed doors?

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If I understand it correctly, mods mainly act based upon reports and a good way to see if enough people have been reporting is the amount of hidden comments. So far, I´ve only seen two of Vixi´s being hidden (none of them went against ToS), which suggest that despite willingness to argue with mister Triggered here about his transphobic comments, people aren´t really reporting them that much.

Your “sports opinion” excluded trans women from MMA, dunce

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his comments about brazenly wanting to beat us with his bare hands says enough

Your friend is one of Ketis type, touch grass

Idiot thinks his “opinion” isn’t transphobic :clown_face:

You got me mixed up with Chuckle, hes the one threatening to punch people irl lmao.

I’m not saying I’m homophobic, I’m just saying that I think lesser of gay people. Why are you guys being angry about that???

Hi, this is post-submission anxiety editing here - this is a joke. I am a gay man. I’m parroting Sig’s transphobia rhetoric. Don’t lynch me.


“So what if she exposed adult material to possible minors!?!?! she apologised, shes one of us ect” yeah I can tell your all one n the same tbf.

You aren’t a Texan either, but here we are.