'Just ignore it'

That is my understanding too.

I would go and report a load of comments (I did a few days ago), but having to scroll through his vitriol takes its toll on me.

Given his views on trans folk he could’ve fooled me.


Whats your opinion on people exposing adult material to possibly minors on the forums, just curious

Keti wasn’t the predator, just an enabler
This man doesn’t even know what happened and he thinks he’s an expert

Go see a therapist Sig, you’ve lost all respect - assuming you had even a little bit left.

Everyone here is against you and that doesn’t make you the last bastion for “what’s right.”
And thank god because what you think is right is both delusional and transphobic amongst other things.

Take time off the forums and get your head screwed on properly.


Given your views on race, I wouldnt be shocked if you was either

Most of the time that is from the same person(100% willing to bet its Sig) alt jumping. Which in the end is also against the rules and often gets people punished. I speak from experience since I did it in the past towards a guy that claimed my entire country was full of “insert homophobic slur here” who "all do it in the :peach: " because I said I supported gay rights.

I got a suspension and a warning from a blue poster explaining that alt-flagging is very much against the rules even if its with good intentions.

With that said, I have normal flagged several of Sig’s posts yesterday. Mainly the most horrendous ones such as where he likened people to rats in a very ww2 bad guy manner and talked about how he would set the dogs on us.

I also reported a few of the bad remarks and insults and the threats of direct physical violence.


Right and by not condoning what Bee done, your enabling people to expose minors to adult material, your basically Keti



You whenever I say anything.

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Gosh stop being racist Obahar

ww2 bad guy manner? sounds like Woeblooms type of humor your referencing there, not mine

I do like to mock radical nationalist-socialists and race rhetorics

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is that minor yourself sig because your throwing a tantrum akin to one for being caught by your parents for your 2010 era mindset

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Still here, he’s still not reading my posts. :man_shrugging:

You exposed possibly minors to adult material, dont backtrack with exscuses now for such behaviour

Sig is just a scumbag trying to look good. Absolute trash.

I’m sorry to hear things have been tough, Bee. All the best to you.


No, but minors could have seen that, you guys always bang on about jade witchery, yet when it occurs, you’ll throw yourself on a sword in defense of it, because its one of ya mates doing it, like Keti used to

I’m tryyyying!

No I actually am. What I said before was out of line and unacceptable. Using someone’s background as a means of insulting was a tactless, disgusting, and stupid thing to do. Lumping the actions of the few as representative for the many was similarly foul and closed-minded.

While it’s hard to fully shed the stigma given the things I’ve seen in my own county, I can at least admit that not everyone in that community acts like that and I can certainly hope a minority of said community is the one tarnishing the reputation for the rest.

But honestly? Truly and honestly, I mostly regret saying it because it’s given this idiot with literally zero things to say a legitimate point to argue when he frankly doesn’t deserve any.

I don’t care if he accepts my apology. Last time he did that he took it back anyway.


You know what…

I think Sig is just a donkey-hole

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Tempted to ask somebody to send me the worst replies to make sure I’ve reported them.

But unlike somebody else, I don’t want to put people through reading it all again.