'Just ignore it'

Lol imagine losing your minds because one of you exposed possibly minors to adult material and evil Siggy pointed it out, imagine that, keep foaming at the mouth

Yeah everyone else is wrong, not me

So its okay to expose minors to adult material? and bad to disagree? is that what your implying

Don’t put words in my mouth you ripe-nosed cur

Thats whats happening, and your the one defending it :slight_smile: if the shoe fits…

Since I don’t want to reply to him: It’s that he very earlier in the thread openly dismissed people’s stories about their family suffering during ww2(Which is a very common tactic also used by modern holocaust deniers) & then much later followed it up with literally referring to people as "scurrying rats(another commonly used analogy used most specifically by ww2 bad guys) followed by a comment about unleashing actual dogs on us(see above as well.)

There’s only so much things and rhetoric he can say that is litterally mostly/if not only used by certain hate groups where it all starts to paint a picture together.

i sympathise on how hard it can be because my families been at the receiving end of the worst treatment from that community, up too and including assault and near home-invasion. the importance is always recognising where you went wrong and achknowleding it really

It’s worth apologising when you do something wrong / problematic / whatever because it’s right to apologise, even when it’s toward someone who’s behaving reprehensibly. It’s about holding yourself to the same standard you hold others to.


Yeah imagine defending such behaviour though, imagine being that hateful toward one guy over a sports opinion that if any of your buddies do anything remotely innapropriate and its pointed out youd actually deflect from their wrongs to try n make the focus on me, hilariously desperate

All this confusion all these illusions are messin me up insiiiide

You’ve offended LGBT+ fólk
You’ve offended Bee
You’ve offended god know who else

You’ve been arguing with hundreds of people for 3 days straight

But everyone else is the evil one

You’re lower than the filth upon our shoes.


Bee? Bee exposes possibly minors to adult material, so if shes offended by me pointing that out, thats okay, I can live with that, similar to what you said before after your ban, if that words offends those it fits perfectly? be offended (Also not hundreds of people, stop inflating your numbers, theres top whack on a good day only 20 of you)

I personally believe I’ve done so. I don’t care at this point if Sig forgives me, I’ve apologised in the past, I’ve apologised again here, I’m not going to keep reliving a single day because some argumentative contrarian keeps holding me to that one day.

Agreed, but I did apologise for it in the thread that got ashed. Sig messaged me in-game saying it was water under the bridge, only to later go back on his word and try to gaslight others into saying I didn’t say sorry when several people saw that I did.

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This never happened and you’re projecting your insecurity on everyone else

I think Bee did the right thing by removing the image and apologising for it. It’s more than what you did for all of what you’ve done here.

Poor Austinites.


Its happening in real time ^^, I predicted this only yesterday aswell, thats how predictable you all are, I can literally predict how far your willing to stoop and what your willing to defend, yet Im the idiot apparently? lol

Go seek medical help

Your friend needs medical help and should stay away from children, so should you if you defend such behaviour

I know you apologised, I’m just pointing out that the regret should be for doing something wrong, not for giving ammunition to the guy who would make up his own ammunition regardless.

You predicted that someone would do a bad thing and apologise for it? Isn’t that how mature adults function? I learnt that as a kid.

He keeps repeating the “its only a sport opinion” as if that is some kind of shield of immunity.

I don’t know what “women are genetically inferior” and “trans women only transition so they can physically abuse women” have to do with sport.

Nor what calling people mentally deranged, rats and threatening to actually physically hurt people have to do with sports either tbh.

And that’s not even the full list which I’ve updated.