'Just ignore it'

He’s unironically backed up my post, why is that so funny.

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Cyborg’s physique is frankly absurd. Even more absurd when you consider that in order to fight she’s cutting up to an alleged 40 pounds in order to make weight, which is about a fifth of her total body weight.


Nah, the fact these lot arent banned shows the system is busted

Sig you are effing DISGUSTING calling people jade witches and all that. You do NOT make light of that kind of thing. Wtf is wrong with this guy at all? Like seriously. It’s not even funny.


I believe Vixi has a list.

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Well, I am glad to hear that, thank you.

Then let me ask you something else. If I thought these people were all the horrible things you have said they were, I would probably be out there ragging on them with you, don’t you think? I’ve been on these forums since 2013 and have seen quite a few people come and go, some have been here as long or even longer as me, so I think I got a good idea of who might be a horrible person and who is not.

And, at the very least Sig, you shouldn’t compare Bee to Keti or Saville. I was there that day when the caravan got outed from Orgrimmar. Even if she posted a non-apropriate image that she removed later.


If the shoe fits? dont be a jade witch if you dont wanna get called one huh?

Don’t be a transphobe if you don’t want to be called one.

No, I think your just more inclined to a peaceful existence here and have way better self control than basically all of us when you disagree on something, I dont think youd honestly support the type of hypocrisy I constantly point out in these, but thats me assuming about your character, sorry if Im incorrect in that, Im not aiming to insult you thats just my observation based on what alot of people tell me regarding these forum spats I have, people who are very similar to the same assumption Ive made of you.

please let this thread just die already… i am bound to this forum like a spectre and have no choice but to haunt it. release me already and end this torment for all of our sakes


This world is a prison…
…I will set us all free.

What about your transphobic statements and actions?

Your delusions? I dont know what to comment about your delusions other than…get medicated I suppose?

Cope in ten

mald,seethe, compress ect lmao

Your lack of intellect is a marvel to witness. Not a single thing has made sense and all you’ve done is say the same thing over and over - now you mimic me?

Honestly quite incredible how lacking your stance is.

Now how about an apology to the LGBT+? Really your apology should be to everyone, but I’ve got my priorities.

He’s too scared to apologize 'cause then he will be admitting he’s wrong.


I have apologised in the past when wrong, I apologise when Im wrong, hence why none of you have gotten an apology from me, its really not all that complicated.

Unironically Sig.


i don’t think he’s scared of anything. except trans women

hence the word transphobia