'Just ignore it'

It’s amazing the times that Sig’s forgotten that we were all held to account. I was held by the hateful things I said, nearly got gkicked, I definitely think I lost some people’s respect for it. Arabathen was clowned on for making the pronoun joke at Pickpawkit’s expense, Bee was told to change the image or whatever (I’ll be honest I didn’t see this one), Woebloom got clapback for taking something rooted in sincerity and essentially turning it into a meme.

I’m not saying all of these things are equal or that the pushback from all of them have been acceptable. Truth be told I fully expected to be /gkicked for what I did and I know Lynch was certainly considering it because I did make the guild look bad, but at the end of the day - none of these misdeeds have been ignored or failed to be acknowledged, they’re all known.

Yet the dude constantly derails threads by making them all about him and continually posting the same transphobic rhetorics despite people saying repeatedly why not.


Why would I be scared of trans women lmao? are they so terrifying where your from?

I didn’t even realize until I rewatched it that even the ending of “harassing someone for having pronouns in their bio” would fit Sig like a glove as well.

The difference is, you guys think you can be as disgusting as the people you crusade against and get off scot free, thats the difference, the same stuff you do, you torture other rp’ers for yeeeears for doing, your getting a taste of your own medicine, yknow how certain posters pop up and the moment they do you remind them of something they did years ago? yeah, same thing here, only way more recent, not years

Mmm… Sertraline…


Thank you, again, and its true, if I see something that is not right, I’ll speak up. You will remember I was the first who pointed out to Woebloom that her poem was not so great an idea.

But, Sig, I’ll be honest with you, you’ve been making some mistakes in here too. Now I’m not going to touch the topic of the trans-athletes in sports, as others who are far more educated on that matter than I have already responded to that.

But you do know what the term jade witch is actually used for, no? For people that prey on children on this game. Are you honestly going to sit here and say that literally -every- forumite that has been replying to you in this thread, bar myself, either is one or supports others that do?

Is it not just more that you’re calling them all sorts of things simply because you don’t like them? Because I’ve seen you be far more friendlier to myself when we disagree than to them, whom you dislike.


he truly would attack someone over a pronoun in their TRP

and in a petersonian sense…


memories broken, the truth goes unspoken…

“Not now honey I need to send 16 unpuncuated essays to strangers on the World of Warcraft forums”

Go take care of your kids, Sig. Nobody wants you here.

I support pronouns, I dont make jokes about pronouns nor would I die on the sword of defence for someone who would, yknow, like these lot

Tell vixi to go look after her kids, she probably cares about your opinion, I dont

A majority of us have been incredibly outspoken towards these kind of practices.

Thing is, Im focusing on their mistakes like they do others, Im simply doing what they do to other people but to them.

The irony. He can’t be serious. He can’t be THAT far gone…

What am I talking about. Of course he’s that far gone. I would hope for it to be all a big dumb trolling escapade.
No. He’s seriously trying to rewrite his previous behaviour.

Is this what 0% accountability looks like?

“But not my own.”

When have I ever joked about pronouns? just one example will do, one.

He’s not scared. It’s his only foot to stand on, the other one has been well and thoroughly blown off by his own doing.

The problem with Sig is that he based his whole forum Career on echoing the ‘cool kids’ and trying to dogpile people without having the ability to actually formulate constructive criticism of people’s character and/or things they might have said slipped up on.

We’ve seen this repeatedly when he tries to incite mobs and muddy the water by bringing up past mishaps and/or mistakes that people have owed up to.

And that’s without mentioning his sad and disgusting views on trans people and their rights.


you have 3087 posts that say otherwise sig peterson

There are no cool kids here, the only people I target are those vile people who behave the same way as those they claim to crusade against, nice attempt to deflect

480 of the posts in here belong to Sig. That’s around 1/5 that’s not healthy.

“up yours woke forumists. we’ll see who bans who.” said our hero as he held his conor mcgregor dakimura close