'Just ignore it'

Scarier still, that’s below the average ratio.

I know, I’ve already been on these forums far more often and far longer than I should, I know how most of you think about it :slight_smile:

You can accuse the forumites of many things, mostly of :poop: posting far more than they should, but not of them randomly calling everyone they dislike a jade witch ( okay there have been a few but they are either not in this thread right now or have stopped playing).


Guys, it wasn’t an inappropriate picture of a microphone, it was an uninformed opinion on the shape of microphones!

Just curious, @Sigtryggr, have you exposed your children to bananas yet? If yes, I am calling the CPS.

(This is your logic.)

He only gives us twenty minutes of his time each day.

Lord help me for what I am about to do as I wade through the vitriol in a hope my reports are heard…

(can’t just unhide post and focus on the person, have to actually go to his profile and scroll through THAT)


Very wild comparison, to be expected in the defence of such people (anyways this is getting boring, gotta be like an hour or so of my time, you guys will always defend disgusting behaviour, that much youve proven over and over recently, have fun with that, the rest of the realm outside of what…20 people tops who agree with you have likely seen this, have a fantastic rest of your day)

Watch him come back in a month still as angry for getting banned.

It is the exact same comparison as a picture of a microphone is to actual Jade Witchery. Your logic again: by making this comparison with Bee to Jade Witchery, you are actually enabling Jade Witches by watering down what Jade Witches do. Stop defending Jade Witches, Sigtryggr!

Hopefully, it’ll be perma eventually then never have to deal with this absolute malicious, transphobic, misogynistic piece of work ever again.

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ill say a prayer in the church as im passing for your work

Okay last response for the day, keep defending racists/jade witches/transphobes guys, keep exposing yourself to everyone else outside of your numpty dumpty circle of barely 20 people, enjoy the rest of your day

He’s the excess weight that Cyborg loses to make 140lbs.

We shall see about that.

Anyway, since we all sit on our chairs replying to Sigtriggered, we all know this is unhealthy for our bodies. I propose a workout regiment: every time Sigtryggr posts, you do five pushups!

Let’s get fit! Fitter than Sigtriggered who has never seen a gym!

so whats everyone having for dinner on this lovely day. thinking of doing homemade burgers

This kills the out-of-shape Obahar.

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My annoyance is I can only do 5 reports a day.

And I do NOT want to scroll through this more than i have to.

Jesus Christ.

I’ve seen that image of the microphone too and while it was indeed not the greatest to post, we also shouldn’t make it worse than it is, since there wasn’t literally p-graphy on it. Plus, pretty sure that Bee removed it.

Time to become a Super Saiyan.

Depending on how i feel; either doing sausage and chips or maybe chillie and chips.

I’ve had the things to make chillie for over a week.

You’ll truly end me, since I’ve been taking shots everytime he says nonsense.