'Just ignore it'

It’s been an hour and LFR still hasn’t popped.

What raid are you queueing for? Nathria?

The newest one u_u smh. I just like mog collecting.

Ah that’d be why. If it’s not fated, you’re not finding it fast.

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Willing to bet that amount is still less than the average amount an Estonian drinks.

no we don’t have a problem :pensive: :fist:

i spent 2 million gil on a fedora. i suddenly feel like i spent money on a masters hat and feel dirty for it

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Time to go to old town and gunshot

I’m having a Polish “light snack”

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I wish my damn bun-girl could wear a fedora.

Hey now! :angry:

tips hat


Get ready for the push-ups lads, ladies and eldritch beings

Said it’d be my last but not gunna intentionally ignore you, I respect you, you seem like a very decent person, so I’ll respond only to you today, I think its grossly wrong what she posted given they all constantly pretend to be against such (I say pretend because…when one of their own does it like any really bad take they have, evidently…they dont seem to care) thats just my take

He lasted 10 mins

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https://youtu.be/pyb13N80DZQ?t=22 (Explicit audio/Eminem warning)

I think we scared him off… bugger.

thanks for including me!

I include everyone*

Except for transphobes, jadewitches, misogynists and fans of 1930s Germany


You can just say Sigtriggered.

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I’m always on my phone if I’m on the forums, tend to be moving around.

I can name a lot of people, but that takes the fun out of it :wink: