'Just ignore it'

HEY… Ich brauche keine Millionen is a bop.
Oh but the other stuff going on? Yeah real. Real. Agree.

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How do you type and not walk into the traffic?

Be more attentive, smh!

Also since you’re out in the open you can do pushups immediately anyway.

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As far as I know he’s not a fan of fascism. I can’t and shalln’t dispute the rest though.

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he’s been reciting WW2 bad guy rhetoric in this thread though.

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Nonono, that was US. That was everyone else except him!

actually, was not any scientist who said this (also, hey how are you? This is Cro doom scrolling)

I was reading an article and the quote is supposedly from a women’s magazine? I was reading it a hell of a long time ago.

yeah it’s why i added the (might’ve), since it’s commonly attributed to him but who knows who actually said it

More than once actually.

Don’t get me wrong, its a good quote. Just none of the old timey science people said it.

It’s the dude from Far Cry that most people know it from, right?

Vaas is a great villain.

Recently yes.

Definitely can be, more work though. Often if you throw up a BUNCH of screenshots of chat like that showing all of what was being said you get hit with the “Lol I ain’t reading all that.” So usually I’ve taken to usually just screenshotting what the specific person said, unless someone else is also saying something awful.

There are some over in GD that hated me enough, especially when some of their messages in the discord led to some of their discord accounts getting nuked once reported, that they made a whole new role and hidden channel just to stalk and talk bad about me (Also to avoid more screenshots I imagine.) I shudder to think what was in there, but at least it meant I no longer had to see what was being said about me since any friends in there never got the role.

I think all that happened over on GD and some of those people (Some of which do play here but I wouldn’t call them RPers either) is one of the things that led me to not staying subscribed. It’s also why I don’t tend to check GD any more.

I know this is a different Far Cry but the guy who played Joseph Seed in FC5 basically said live on air that he doesn’t think Joseph did a gosh darn thing wrong

I can’t tell if he’s a madman or a genius but either way props for standing your ground like that king

Is it bad that it just made me more determined to kill him and his family?

Okay I feel like I have to stress please do not assassinate the actor Greg Byrk

I meant the character Joseph Seed! Ofcourse I’m not going after the actor, imagine me killing the actor of Micah Bell from RDR2 just cause Micah is a douche.

good god they have a separate GD discord

i forgot that cursed place existed

nuke it from orbit

Top 10 Out-of-context Desartin moments

I mean the character okay, my bad for not clarifying such :frowning: