'Just ignore it'

Oh, no, I just thought it was funny.

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Okay hot take here but I actually have a fair amount of sympathy for Joe and co - not only because us Joeā€™s gotta look out for one another but because with everything going on in the world you can absolutely see why a man might just want to annex a small part of Montana and live as bearded man of the woods

That being said I assure the CIA agent who reads all my posts that I have 0 intention to overthrow federal authority in any north western state and also that forming apocalyptic cults is generally to be frowned upon

ā€¦Soundtrack slapped though


i mean

Isnā€™t he kind of right if he tried to prevent a nuclear apocalypse and said apocalypse happens because we stop him?

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I mean also this he did kind of have us with that one huh

I mean, I canā€™t fault a man for living as a bearded man in the woods, itā€™s when you start insisting other people live as bearded people in the woods aswell, to the point of just sending your goons at them that I draw the line.

The one I speak of was deleted some months ago, but Iā€™m pretty sure one of the people in question that was doing awful stuff towards me just went on to make another one. I mostly hope that since I stopped posting in GD they got what they wanted and will just not bother talking about me. Getting called ā€˜itā€™ because I ā€œdonā€™t deserve pronounsā€ all the time was rather mentally draining many days.

Itā€™s the only way to save them from federal tyranny and the nukes.

come at me feds.

I always thought it was Joseph that set those off? I must admit it has been ages since I played the gameā€¦

Honestly the culture contrast between the Argent Dawn realm forums and the General Discussion forums is absolutely wild. We practice an absolute zero tolerance policy toward matters like transphobia whereas GD is full of absolutely horrendous gamer takes.


Reading GD makes me genuinely angry at times.


Yet the GD posters who get lost and find themselves here call us toxic for saying that individuals deserve to be referred to by their gender, rather than as ā€œitā€, or similar such things.

Iā€™d say ā€˜never change, GDā€™ but honestly please change ASAP.


Which is why I feel safer to be me here than anywhere else.

For the most part.

Joseph just foresaw the coming of an imminent ā€œCollapseā€, but what it was is never really specified as far as I can remember. And the Collapse comes in the form of a nuclear war, which I doubt Edenā€™s Cult would be capable of inciting given taht they only control parts of one county in Montana.


ā€œThey is plural! And I donā€™t think theyā€™ve earned the right to be named as such.ā€
Words that are often usedā€¦
They has been used as singular for hundreds of years, but hey ho.

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I think itā€™s implied that us arresting Joseph at the start somehow sets off a chain reaction of events that goes way out of our hands, which then leads to nuclear war ?

Like as you play through the game you get little hints here and there that things outside of Hope County are rapidly escalating to a point of no return - and somehow Joseph knew all this would happen thus preparing accordingly

So if I recall correctly, he didnā€™t set off the nukes directly, but us arresting him started somehow the chain reaction of events that would lead to nuclear war (though Joseph played no part in any of that)

ā€¦while Iā€™m defending my questionable fellow Josephs, would you like to hear why Amazing Grace is my favourite hymn?

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That one hurts because I unironically used to say the same thing when I was like 17.

God I wanna kick my past self between the legs.

Whatā€™s also sad with GD is that the mods there enable bigotry by almost never removing inflammatory posts, even though theyā€™re regularly reported.

It doesnā€™t take much to think that hey, this thread has a lot of posts and thereā€™s lotta reports coming from there, maybe we should actively monitor it since nobody else outside of GD and AD uses these forums??

And they donā€™t, because if they did theyā€™re directly complicit in allowing bigotry on their platform. At least on US side, thereā€™s some semblance of moderation happening, the EU side is just dead or inept.

I went to the bathroom and now thereā€™s 400 posts more.


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Iā€™ve had; ā€œIā€™m not referring to you and your multiple personalitiesā€ before.

Sig in ten characters.