'Just ignore it'

On which note forum challenge:

Find a better version of Amazing Grace than this one

(Protip: you can’t)

I think I’ll be going for some Tesco lasagna! Lasagna? Lasagne? I always forget what the correct spelling is.

This is better.

Unless you are a far-righter who fails to understand the irony. There’s a lot of them.

“Garfield Happy Meal.”

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Ahaha see I was specifically talking about covers of Amazing Grace but yes the cult songs are something else

Though I prefer the red versions myself

It is a pretty good hymn, I recently heard it during Star Trek 2: Wrath of Khan. They got Scotty playing it on a bagpipe before it changes to regular instruments!

Immediately recalls the horsemeat scandal.

It’s a lot more festive, you’d definitely hear that in a country festival somewhere in Texas.

I hear it sounds even better in its native Klingonese.

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Really is, it’s also why being on an RP server makes me happier in general. If the server was basically just all people that actually participated in RP I think the community would be even better in those regards.

The problem is moderation is done by a post by post basis, so mods don’t even see any other behavior from the person and it works just like in game stuff except worse (Since I don’t think they even see ‘all posts reported against this user’). The ‘higher the amount of reports’ the more chance it looked at, but isn’t a guarantee they look at it, or do the right thing.

From what I’ve read? The US forums are not doing so hot either, they have someone that basically just baits out the hate by making LGBTQIA+ related topics all the time (the suspicion is that they’re using multiple bnet accounts, but it could just be a group of friends/copy cats all doing it at this point.) But if you go back in said posters post history far enough, they were vehemently anti-LGBTQIA+.

Instead of mods taking action against basically any posts there, they tend to just 404 threads instead of investigating.

Yeah, which is what I meant with because AD and GD are the most active subforums on this platform, any thread that particularly becomes very active and gets many reports, should probably also be actively monitored, not just post by post.

Truly, some people are just Sigtryggrs who have too much time on their hands and too much hate in their hearts.

I wouldn’t say that the roleplay community is anywhere near perfect in this regard though. In-game there are many, many RPers who hold weird or unpleasant social views. I can’t compare this to PVE or PVP servers since I haven’t played on one in well over a decade, but at the very least here most guilds are pretty good at cutting that sort of behaviour out.

Lemme guess, the 400 new posts are because of Sig again…?

You guessed correctly!

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to dangerous there , the girls i mean. been there done that :confetti_ball:

You’ll see me on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire next.

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Kaity can handle it, don’t worry.

I just looked against better judgment and there’s a thread from last month that called the Body Type changes “censorship” that’s STILL GOING.

How in the fresh hell…

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Yeah haha as much as I really hate girls throwing me around I’d just have to put up with it I guess !

Worry not, i got your back.

For sure it should be, I’m pretty sure older moderation was more towards that but… budget cuts and higher managers/devs/whoever else basically control what they do/how they go about stuff.

I wouldn’t either, but the RP community is much better in those regards compared to the rest at least on average.

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