'Just ignore it'

see what i mean , men or woman always hunting youre :peach:

It’s terrifying thinking about the sheer numbers of god-awful takes which exist in the general gamer sphere.

Makes you realize how deep the rot goes. We still have a long, long way to go as a society.


Can extend that to the general media consumer sphere. There’s a big overlap, sure, but still.

Reception to She-Hulk is a good example.


I know which scene you’re referring to, but that is something I always did wonder
 why the f would a Klingon even give a damn about a writer/poet from earth?

Would those be the same people who you attacked consistently for weeks, calling an openly trans person not trans, demanding another went on webcam with their child to “prove” they are female and the child exists and which you dragged twitter (you know the very very public one filled with furry {indecent} images that even children can go and view) via twitlongers until no one payed you any attention for it so you gave up? Do you mean those people?

Any proof of that? Have you stalked them all on the server and found that they don’t RP?

They had a discord for organising groups to do content with, Pickpawkit stalked a number of people and the discord grabbing out of context screenshots to “gothca” people with but never spoke a word on there themselves. Kind of like that blog.

Maybe don’t attack people and be transphobic towards an openly trans person and people wouldn’t talk bad about you on a discord channel that has nothing to do with wow or the forums but you tried to get the blues involved in and people kicked out of the game for.

You aren’t an innocent little victim Pickpawkit, you are just as transphobic as that Sig person and perhaps worse because you do it directly to a trans person.

Now go twitlonger me for telling the truth about who you really are hushpup pickpawkit.

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Not another twist in this already turbulent journey, I beg of thee.


I mean, can’t really say much about that but it’s curious that with Pickpawkit posting here two random altposters also appeared. Who’s stalking who? :eyes:

It’s just a lotta words in the air at the moment.


I had to double take that the undead wasn’t another poster who posts occasionally that looks like that.

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General Discussion drama spilling over into Argent Dawn drama, it’s like a crossover episode.


Who knows with the GD people. That Discord might’ve just been for group play sure, but GD is GD so it’s bound to have things you can’t say on forums in there too.

Hold up, i remember this when i was kicking vulpie around in GD.

I managed to find a few of Daystroyah’s posts through top super secretℱ means despite him having his activity hidden, and what I’ve found were a few posts claiming to have dirt on some forum Discord but then saying that he didn’t need proof because others could vouch, only then I didn’t see anybody vouching:

And a post where they seemed to side with someone spouting homophobic views under the notion of free speech:

Now these aren’t conclusive, but to me personally? I’m leaning more in Pickpawkit’s favor despite lacking a fondness for their sometimes fence-sitting approaches.

Or maybe both parties aren’t exactly shining stars, but I doubt it’s as one-sided as Daystroyah seems to present it.


Using “U” instead of “You” automatically deducts points imho.

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Reception to She-Hulk is a good example.

dont take me wrong but i think that is not really the truth behind it overall.

my take its more , the series are 30 years old and some fans dont wanna change the narrative off said character. for example same goos for james bond, they wanna/did(dont follow it anymore for a long time) make him a black one.

that backlash ,i think, was not because being black but he was always a typical cynical white brit. I think there are more examples around like this. Imho you can make (strong) leading woman wherever you want but make a new one and not change something that existed for many years.

btw kyrené
its a shame to say but my guess is that the road not really is gonna end , only thing we can do is doing yourself being better and trying ti accept everyone for who they are

Since you want to come out with such random accusations (I did say some of them play on AD) You could at least post on your retail character. But apparently, hiding on a classic alt to avoid being named as one of the people in the screenshots is all you have.

The only thing I remember mentioning about someone, is that I doubted that someone being trans would choose to sit there and refuse someone pronouns and mock their trans status. Maybe that’s just wishful thinking, and it probably is but I don’t recall sitting there trying to deny them as being trans, dead naming them, or using incorrect pronouns, etc.

I didn’t particularly ask for another to ‘come on webcam with their child’, they were typically spouting transphobic and bigoted comments and using the “But my kid is trans” defense to act as if what they were saying wasn’t bad. I chose to doubt their little story, as basically every people attacking LGBTQIA+ consistently pull that card.

I didn’t drag that specific person on twitter, I dragged others from said discord that had been having a harassment campaign they took OFF PLATFORM to discord in the first place. I wasn’t the one to move anything from the forums off platform.

Plenty paid attention to it, but hey they were not involved in the forum drama and couldn’t exactly go after people off platform anyways.

Considering their posts on the forums, and their lack of RP profiles and how much they mock RPers? Yeah.

I only joined that discord because I was being shown screenshots of people trash talking me there, and when I brought up the issues to the mods of the server - I was kicked from the server. So yeah, I never did speak there. Why would I? I wouldn’t call joining a PUBLIC INVITE discord ‘stalking’ either.

I wasn’t, but thank you. Since you decided to (Again stalk me to realm forums) I will go ahead and post screenshots since you want to make such vile accusations towards me (again.)

It’s amusing that people from said discord, not only follow every post I make here, but on my twitter (Which, for reference, is marked for ‘sensitive material’ and has ’ No minors ![:underage:] Will block every minor that interacts with me. Don’t look into my tweets if you don’t want to see NSFW artwork.

I would share all the imgur links to back up my own claims, but people from said discord also go so much through the effort of reporting even my imgur links to stuff they said.

But, these are the same people that made both Classic and Retail characters with either similar names to mine, or alternate versions to mock me.

I wouldn’t mind someone from the AD forums adding my discord so I could actually share evidence and give more of a full story, but I’m quite iffy about posting the discord tag openly given they’d probably try very hard to stalk that too.

Can we just settle on “GD Bad and full of Capital G Gamers” and leave it at that please? Last thing we need is the latest episode of Eastenders happening in real-time here.


A fondness of poetry and writing and a lack of native poets capable of matching the majesty of Shakespeare.

That, and lackluster world writing.

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Wait what? She-Hulk as a character has existed for over 40 years. What’s your point? They literally made a new character instead of changing Bruce Banner female. There’s two characters.


Also good god, what’s this GD drama. Also, it’s funny how the Dastroyah person in Obahar’s quote is talking like that gnome altposter in terms of language, while they themselves have a more normal grasp on the language.


Someone already said Sig was Corrie because there’s an episode every day, so frankly I’ll take Eastenders or even Emmerdale as a change of pace.