'Just ignore it'

To be honest, even if I have disagreed with Pickpawkit before, I am 100% more willing to believe them over a random altposter suddenly showing up out of nowhere. Especially if it’s a GD poster with hidden activity and some really sketchy post history themselves.


Valid but, man, I just wanna watch Pointless instead…

For once the sketchy trashdealer isn’t wrong tho.

Don’t dis Emmerdale :angry:

to be honest i am almost 55 years old and never seen a cartoon or movie with a female hulk. so i apologise for my mistake .

Not everyone will be well versed in history of various stuff so its alright I think.

But these guys will always find something to latch onto, the thing about “not wanting to change a character” is just a convinent thing to lean back on.

The common nominator in a majority of these dramas/outcrys is that the character is a woman(or anything else in many cases) & sweaty people have issues with that.

Oh is it time for aggressive banjos again?


Usually if existing heroes get a female version it’s a new character almost all the time. Same with Lady Thor and whoever else. Otherwise, they’ll just be alternative universe ones which existing heroes also go through. Captain America being a fascist AU etcetera.

(Fairly sure it’s mostly because making a new female standalone hero and/or comic run would not see much appeal in the past to a genre only marketed towards male nerds.)


Only when hushpup/pickpawkit posts

Hold up… is it confirmed they’re the same?


Do we know that Pickpawkit = Hushpup for sure? If so then I 100% take back what I said before and hope they lose internet access.

I hope that isn’t the case because Hushpup was very problematic to say the least.

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yeah i dont remember exactly who or what hushpup was and did, but i do remember a lot of red flags and something about ERP

Okay, bit of digging, the most I could find was this guy accusing them of being the same person, and a few other hints towards it further down the thread.

I’m seeing no hard evidence mind you but thought I’d share what I found anyway.

Is Emmerdale the one that had the plane crash?

Some highlights of Hushpup included:

  • Advocated for more tolerance for open erp.

  • Defended 'nore and that guild

  • Went ballistic and said everyone on AD forums was racist because we said Trump was bad.

  • Some of the stuff Sig said was also shared by them.

Missed that tidbit in their post, but no I am not. They continually tried to push that before, but because it’s a classic character I have literally no way to refute it. Which is why they choose to post on a classic character themselves. I’m pretty sure it’s someone from that discord.

Said people have continually made alts with variations of my name or make characters they claim are me and post reprehensible stuff


(All same person.)

Same person there.

There’s also the one that has Scarlet Scourge links that made my char name on Draenor.

Ill give you the benefit of the doubt, this once.


This is super common by the scarlet crusade grief guild. They regularly make/made alts of other people on Draenor and other realms to try and fabricate screenshots or post as them in bad faith/pretending to be people.

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Peeking into this thread kind of feels like opening the door to a blast furnace every time