'Just ignore it'

Yes I’ve posted about it before, but it was funny to me because they made the char male instead of female since they couldn’t tell I guess. (The one on Draenor)

I apologize for the drama following me right into this thread, I should’ve know better than to even mention GD or that discord because it would bring them out again.

Didn’t say others would vouch, I said that people who were there at the time know what the person being referenced did in the discord to get him banned, I also pointed out why I won’t post screenshots and that there was evidence in that person’s post history.

Context is key, wasn’t defending a homophobe I was talking about the person who the person I replied to was responding to, the person I replied hadn’t made a homophobic comment but was alt flagged. The person they replied to is well known for picking arguments then alt flagging when people bite. Perhaps I chose the wrong thread to call them out on but I was fed up of seeing them do it over and over.

No I’m not a shining star, I make mistakes because I’m human.

I didn’t say it was one sided, in fact I clearly state people did talk about them on that discord but hushpup pickpawkit claiming to be the victim of some mass conspiracy is garbage.

They have deleted the hushpup char now but around the time of the GD drama they have brought up they posted from the hushpup alt trying to get people on that discord banned from the forum/game for discord conversations. They have 4 pets in total and so did hushpup. They already admitted here that the classic hushpup and the AD hushpup were the same person during the keti thread drama.

If it’s about the fortune favoured discord made by Twiluna, they had the likes of the human DK Bukachu who used to come to this forum to troll every now and again in there. I was there for a moment, but I could not stand some of the people in that community so I just ended up leaving it.

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Yeah you guys were right, general-discussion drama just kinda sucks. I’ve kind of lost interest already after being handed the spaghetti of he-said she-said details.


Wait, I did just find this.

That’s at least one claim from Daystroyah that can actually 100% be verified.

“They are indeed not trans, because no trans person would try to do what they did to me.”

FYI, when the first James Bond novel came out in 1953, he didn’t have any background whatsoever. He was just a commander in the Royal Navy and an MI6 00 agent. Casino Royale was followed by nine more books until, when writing the tenth, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, by which point Dr. No was being filmed and Sean Connery had been cast as Bond, whose depiction of Bond and Scottish nationality and ancestry greatly influenced how Fleming wrote Bond from then and onwards. It’s the only reason Bond has any background and it was a retroactive change made ten years after the first novel came out.

It seems to be congruous with Pickpawkit’s explanation still, though.

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Had to go back and check but that does seem to be true.

I do regret my wording there, and I later apologized for it. I was still quite upset about the events and what was happening between the forums and that discord.

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came back from dinner to this tripe.

general posters rly do be coming in here rn like (99) killinaskully theme song - YouTube

So-- is Pickpawkit Hushpup or not?

That discord is full of passive aggresive nitwits anyway, I would know as most of the AD ones under a guild IHSW came from Simply after throwing hissyfits at me telling them to improve lol.

Also its a GD discord, what could go wrong /s

Nothing verified yet, so don’t know.

Should clarify, are they “our” Hushpup (you know, the American Trump supporter who thinks ERP should be more open)?

Since obviously if they’re A Hushpup then… that’s just an unfortunate name to have.

No idea but I don’t think so. No evidence of it yet and that Hushpup would be more inclined to openly brag who they are.

What if… Sig and Hushpup are the same person instead?!

Wouldn’t even be surprised.

Can’t believe I just watched Sig get upset over a microphone.

What is the irish equivalent of banjo music?

Celtic music?

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