'Just ignore it'

Maybe Lysetia knows.

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Man I can’t believe he just ate a potato raw

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Man, looking away from this thread for a couple hours sure is something

The most well known is actually not an AU but some cosmic history altering magic copy stuff with the maineline Cap


When in doubt, lute.

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That’s just AU with more words.

No, because it happened in 616 >I

The fact that anyone is still responding to Sig is baffling. You guys know he’s just doing whatever he can to get a rise out of everyone, right?

Finally caught up on the thread.

no we had absolutely no idea

It’s the age-old question.

Is he gay? Or european?

Wait, sorry - is he trolling or just stupid?

There’s convincing evidence on both sides.

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Hot take: The Secret Empire event wasn’t that bad

Well, there has been worse overall but it wasn’t good either. It certainly wasn’t healthy, especially not on the advertising side.


decent guess but we do actually use banjo’s too. just rarely without a fiddle or Bódhran to accompany

(99) Irish banjo & bodhran. The Mystery Inch (Comp. David Kosky). - YouTube

ronn macfarlane. sublime taste


Blame that someone cross linked me into this thread.

Aha. Was it as mentally draining as you continously calling me non trans and to lie about it despite me being openly trans? Also you know exactly well why you get your pronouns on the forums only. I despise you. I hold absolutely no respect for you as an individual because of your past actions. Not just against me but several others aswell. Dont even attempt to play the victim here.

I didnt mock your trans status. But why am i not surprised that you, once again, twist stuff around. I stated, numerous times, that you dont get them from me outside the forums because i despise you. I couldnt care less about you being trans. It doesnt change anything regarding me despising you as an individual. You were told this over and over.

You very much did. You tried to cancel me on Twitter after i got into the council. Your sole intention was to get me canceled. Which failed in its entirety. Even Blizzard got wind of it and shrugged it off because they have access to all the posts involved. Deleted, edited or not. What we did was talking about you on a discord between people that didnt like you to begin with except for your one friend which happened in response to your forum accusations against us. But you even accused us of having created this discord with the sole intention to flame you. Completely oblivious that i joined this discord ages after it was created and while i was already in a quarrel with you for well over a year at this point. Everyone on the discord was already well aware of you. However its news to me that any of your friends on twitter knew me. Especially given the community you hang out with on twitter.

Some loud screaching twitter people arent exactly “plenty paid attention”. Especially given who those people were ontop of it.

You werent kicked because you brought it up. You were banned because you revealed who you were and you, as an individual, were not welcome on the discord where you pissed off more just a big chunk of it for a number of reasons. We already knew you were on the Discord. We also knew you were still handed screenshots from your friend who we let stay on the discord on purpose after you got banned.

Oh you werent? Then what is this post of yours that got linked towards in this thread. Or you admitting to it further down after being called out. “i wasnt” my butt. Play the victim somewhere else.

Any story that only involves your side is worth absolutely nothing. We may discuss this the moment everyone involved gets to add their two cents. That, in the very least, requires Daestra, Puny, Drae, Twiluna, Souldefiler, Hiroki, Neffy and me. And most certainly plenty of other people that i have forgotten by now. It would also include people that have passed away in the meantime.

Yeah and it was totally a “coincidence” that the moment i accuse you of it, link towards the post that the post in question gets instantly edited. So i will stick with this accusation of mine.

I couldnt care less whether you talk about me. What i care about is that you, once again, try to display yourself as the victim. Completely ignoring or denying the stuff that goes on your account.

You dont.

Oh look. Didnt you just say

Oh my. You did now didnt you. Also you apologized? In what alternative universe? Its one thing to accuse me of this, but another to keep denying your own words because you cant own up to the stuff and spout bull like that you apologized. You didnt. Also dont bother doing that now as i wont accept it.

Once again worthless information if the people you accuse cant add their two cents. But that would destroy your victim illusion.

No you could simply just not have brought your essay’s worth of drama that nobody here knows nor cares about over here after someone did that.


“hey someone accuses you of stuff but dont you dare to defend yourself”.

How about you bugger off instead.

Point was that without the cross link i wouldn’t have noticed this.

I won’t blame someone for linking someone else to a thread via sharing the post into here, I will however blame your actions.

Pretty sure the only thing I’ve ever mentioned was the same wording I used before, which was that I didn’t think someone that was trans would choose to treat other trans people so poorly including dehumanizing them via calling them ‘it’.

To get it all out of the way, quite honestly, since you make a lot of accusations with posts, I won’t bother with having people add me to discord I’ll go ahead and risk it because I’m honestly quite tired. I won’t particularly bother with the entirety of the rest of your post.


Second picture by the way, was edited together from my screenshots and that text about ‘handpicked’ etc wasn’t put on there by me

Unlike you i stay with what i said regarding you and dont back off or deny ever saying it. And neither do i have to twist it in an pathetic attempt to display myself as the victim. I have told you both on the discord as well on this very forum as for why you get your pronouns on the forums only since you love to always bring that up the most. Deal with it.

But i didnt expect anything else from you. You have lost any level of respect one could possibly have for you with the Daestra drama.