'Just ignore it'

Uh… I don’t know either of you that well and I’m not on either side of this GD drama, but I think that “I’ll only respect the gender identity of someone I like” really isn’t a good take.


Oh no go ahead and defend yourself.
Just do it somewhere else because we don’t know you nor are invested in this.


Yeah that’s a terrible take, I may hate the guts of some folks but I do respect their pronouns.

Also quite disappointed yet not surprised at Puny making helicopter jokes in those screenshots.


Oh god… GD never change.

Please change.
Turn into decent people.


Can we just burn GD down with all the :poop:-y people still inside of it, that they may be reborn into decent people from the ashes


Twiluna would still remain an absolute stain.
Looking at what they said… Christ.


This is an incredibly weird comment to make. I don’t even know why you despise Pickpawkit like so (you’ve said nothing outside of them playing the victim or w/e??), but good god those Discord pics don’t paint any of you in any positive light.

Let it be said once more that RPers are both more creative in game and apparently with the dramas too.

This just sounds like a bunch of middle schoolers flinging dirt. Then again, not surprised Community Council members are bigoted, it’s not the first time. Is that the GD’s ‘just for finding groups’ Discord that’s linked? Because if so, thanks for lying I guess. :person_shrugging:


Dunno about more creative, but at least our more recent ones have been the whole forum on a; “sit down transphobe” train.


Never liked them. When I came back late Legion after quitting they and others were just obnoxious forum spammers. The bigotry is no surprise either.

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Got some homework for you then. Go and dig through the last couple years of the forum.

Couldnt care less.

You should learn the definition of the words you intend to use. As i said i dont give a rats what they are. I however reject their humanity as a whole based on their past actions.

I dont have to respect, nor fake respect, for someone who constantly accused me of not being trans and lying about it yet throwing a fit whenever someone accidently (and this is not about me) misgendered them. Constantly lying about what was said, not apologizing once, constantly editing as to not having to admit what was being said. Or accusing people of the most vile things like they did with Daestra. Or stuff like the webcam drama etc etc etc.

And the biggest enrage they caused with Souldefiler who has more than his fair bit to share.

What lying? Is that my discord? No. Whatever do i know what Twiluna had posted regarding the discord. Neither is it my concern.

Its amusing that you think that argent dawn has a good reputation.

I will frank here and say I don’t think any of the AD posters care much either, it’s an “Everyone Sucks” situation, however even then not respecting pronouns is abit eh in my opinion anyway.

Lot of our reputation stems from our understandable hostile attitude to people coming with no intent of RPing or to just grief any and all RP going on, as well as people just thinking we’re all coomers sitting in Goldshire all day.

No server has a good reputation to be honest and honestly why care in the first place.

But Kre, can you shed light on wether or not pickpawkit is an alt of Hushpup by any chance? If yes then I can assure nobody here likes 'em at all for some quite gross views.
If not that’s also cool and I hope you have a good time regardless.


A Hushpup on AD we should add.

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They were a mod of said discord server, and they were the ones I went to about the issues about everything going on there.

Basically, everything is ‘out of context snippits/screenshots’ which often said comments were out of nowhere or were specifically directed at me so I don’t know how it’s always ‘out of context’ especially with the frequent use of slurs there.

Originally I had links to the discord messages themselves, as well as forum posts to disprove the notion of ‘full context’ making any of it better. But said discord channel would get wiped, and threads on the forums 404’d.

So basically most of the egregious stuff they posted on the forums is gone (Without ever having been actioned) and all that’s left is some posts by a couple of the users making mocking posts towards me on alts.

Since this drama seems to continue and they keep spouting certain things.

Me and her (Kretias) have had various disagreements on the forums sometimes including topics where people are being transphobic. She and others kept intentionally misgendering me after I had corrected someone including mocking me over me bringing it up. So, from the start they never ‘respected’ anything such as pronouns for me so their whole bit it’s all because I ‘did such wrong’ is incorrect.

The ‘Dae drama’ as they keep referencing, was said person insinuating that I was a jade witch (They used the actual term) because I chose to not believe another user who stated their kid was trans in the typical defense of their post being transphobic and who had, conveniently, stated that I was likely to not be trans because quote “No real trans people get offended by being misgendered, only twitter victims faking for outrage.” They wanted evidence for all of my claims, and I basically mockingly questioned how they intend to prove their own claims.

I simply returned the insinuation that they started, I tried to go back and find the post but I’m pretty sure that’s yet another thread that got 404’d before I started to really screenshot stuff because they continually stated there ‘was no evidence’ for all the stuff they were doing when the direct messages/links would get deleted.

I will state that I not once intentionally misgendered any of the people involved, and again the only time I made any sort of question about their status I believe was the one already linked in this thread.

Also no, I am not Hushpup. I have ZERO characters with the name Hushpup, here, or anywhere else classic included. I honestly hope with Wrath comes classic armory that links it to retail characters so 1) People can’t just hide behind classic characters on the forums and 2) So that accusation in the first place can be put to rest and it will be easier to disprove the accusations that I’m some other person.


Of some boring GD drama? Nah, if you don’t wanna explain and

Why are you even posting here then? You said earlier you got cross-linked therefore posting now, so you clearly do care.

This is just very cringe in general. I know fully well what bigoted means, thanks. Accusing someone of not being trans is indeed terrible, but if you’re vagueposting about whatever else they’ve done to other people and not bothering to elaborate, don’t even bother mentioning the rest.

Better than GD’s, which granted, isn’t a very high bar. :rofl:

You’re scraping the bottom of the barrel alongside MMO-Champion, but I’m sure you ‘couldn’t care less’ by posting on AD forums to own… Pickpawkit, I guess?

I will restate that this just feels like a bunch of middle-school drama.


I am aware, I was a GD frequenter when the server was concieved and it has ben cringe (derogatory) with even more cringe people (also derogatory) in it.

Screenshots just show everyone sucks.



Yet you just did so by calling Kretías a her when Kre is a him.

Doubt, there’s a chance we’ll never know but it is quite sus that you show up as hidden activity alt character around the same time they disappeared and you share a similar syntax in formatting as well as showing up defending similar things they did.


Look, one of you at least needs to be better (both would be great).

Stop misgendering each other.


In some ways, yes. If not for all the slurs, them literally making characters between different servers to mock me. Making characters to pose as me and saying awful things, and continually making quite serious allegations that are disturbing.

I was corrected by them for it to be her, from what I recall.

Searching back, confirms that.

I’m pretty sure I was posting on these forums and elsewhere before them, including GD. So that’s just your own wishful thinking there.

What is it that I’m defending, or have defended exactly? From what I recall, not in the least.

THIS is literally the closest char name they decided to impersonate. I don’t know what you want me to do aside from post a char list from the WoW folder files.

No, to be fair the slurs were also part of middle school drama. Once the children hear slurs, they’ll repeat them without a worry as they often aren’t well taught in what the words actually mean.

Regardless, misgendering is not okay.
If I am wrong in calling Kre by masculine pronouns I would like to apologise to them specifically for that.

Like I said, there’s just things that seem very sus, especially considering the character in question is deleted by the looks.

In general I think you both suck, but for different reasons and so does the FF discord but no surprise there