'Just ignore it'

Thanking god every day for not making me a GDer.


I mean, you’re an RPer.

Both me and Nera post infrequantly on there and we’re both fine


Can’t say I was fine in the first place as someone who used to post in GD.
They should let me post in GD without a sub tbh

I’m aware, I never do so intentionally. Misgendering intentionally is dehumanizing and wrong. There are other forum posts that reference them as she/her by friends (and the classic posters) but they’re free to chime in and I will always make sure to correct anything myself.

The only reason it ended up deleted is because I had a way to disprove it via armory pets and when I pointed that out, it went gone and they switched to Classic char posting. It’s incredibly frustrating being accused of something I have essentially no way of disproving. Which is exactly why I hope Classic Armory releases in Wrath.

Nah, I’m not subbed so I can’t any more.

(Probably for the better.)

I’m not either ATM, give it about a month. I got things to do in WoW.

Also it appears Mikhail Gorbachev died tonight

You know, the original intention of this thread more directed towards how quick or often people jump to ignoring the Warcraft setting for RP, and making events that generally ignore the lore and story.

It is kinda sad to see that one individual made it about himself, and how deplorable he is.


I was talking about the Hushpup character, not any of yours.
Not your DK cringenamed alt.

I did mention previously that said people made characters referencing my own to mock me or to try to impersonate me.

Plus, tried to correct me about misgendering someone when it wasn’t. Don’t know whether you made the assumption, or if you knew them previously and you were misgendering them the whole time. Kinda weird how hostile you’re being towards me, to be quite honest.

I think the real takeaway here is that anyone that can be remotely described as a ‘general discussion regular’ needs to invest in 1x can of deoderant


I have made a grave and terrible error.

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We stare at you in disappointment.

Yikes. Yeah you are the wrong one here.

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Plot twist; America was fascist all along.

I called out to the heavens for a new forum adversary. I meant an individual, not for all of GD to spill into our sanctum.

The character in HBO’s fictional drama Chernobyl? Damn.

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Anyone who denies another person’s identity as punishment is extremely stinky. I peeped those screenshots and they quickly made me uncomfortable so I closed it again. Hopefully the GD people will go back from whence they came with their melodrama.


Guessing your house doesn’t have any mirrors in it, then.


This will be my one and only response to one of Sigtryggr’s invented imaginations. Mainly because I am only to clear it for others, not for him as he has been proven to cling onto things despite being proven wrong.

The thread wasn’t made because ‘I was ignored in rp’, as Sig has attempted to fabricate a few times.

The intention of the thread has long passed unfortunately. But many takes from the earlier posts still emerged some topics of discussion.

Also, Sig. No. I will not make a new thread. But perhaps you should.


I always feel like the sovereignty of Argent Dawn is violated when drama spills over from other server forums or GD (except for our illegal war with Moon Guard - US)

Leave our nation in peace :pray: