'Just ignore it'

I didn’t know we had a war…

I think it’s generous to call it a war. More of a one-sided rivalry where we get to laugh at their absurd concepts like a player character being the canonical heir/queen of Lordaeron, or a scarlet guild full of big-breasted women opening void portals.

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An event of the olden days…when our noble warriors crossed the cyber ocean to make war on the heretical RP of the NA servers…

Aaaargh don’t speaketh her name, the Accursed one, she of the large bosom.


Really though, our ‘side’ of the war was only marginally less cringeworthy than theirs. Wanting to ‘safeguard’ our own realm culture is one thing; spending a week sneering at a guild on a server an ocean away was a bit weirdchamp in hindsight.

Granted, the Scarlet Queen did start rant about us being European socialists and got herself suspended from the US forums which was quite funny.


Ehhm. Morbidly curious?

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We are currently recruiting

To join you must possses:

Knowledge of void magic :space_invader:
Big boobas :melon:


What’s the pay?


It’s… a journey. The more you look, the more absurdist everything gets.


Bottom far left. Yeah that’s me.

Looks like a happy bunch living their best life. I’m most curious about the scarlet flame in a twilight’s hammer frame banner. Ladies filling out their tabards is nothing special.

This is what most raiding guilds imagine they look like

Looking at the entire thing from the sidelines was some prime entertainment though.


Damn new anime dropped?

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bad take

men died

Top right hits distressingly close to home.

Begins really quickly hitting up Levey IC

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I don’t know what it is but in nearly every setting I’ve interacted with myself(MMOs like wow, swtor) or seen(also mmos mostly) US and roleplaying just seems to be really…weird. It’s not just a WoW thing but nearly every iteration I’ve seen or heard about in regards to anything to do with roleplaying in the US there seems to be just…generally what many would consider bad.

In my experience it’s the prevailing attitude of “muh freedom” and as such the idea that anything goes so why are you being such a stick in the mud you RP policing tyrant why can’t people just have fun etc etc.


You are Levey and not Cleavey anymore.