'Just ignore it'

I found something relevant to some stuff in here



The dress is in the wash!

I’d hope so, else the clown makeup would be applied awfully.


Long live the Barracks of the Blackmarsh, her Majesty the Queen Madelynne I Albrecht of Lordaeron!

Her great-aunt or something married a Menethil and that was her claim to the throne. But as I have pointed out before, she was widely ridiculed by much of Moon Guard; like our own Shonn, she simply had the guild numbers required to push her weight and silly concept around.

That’s the Crimson Revelation, a currently inactive “Scarlet” Crusade guild. The only female members of theirs who do not have melons have pears, their Grand Crusader looks like a Sister of Battle from 40K, their Grand Admiral is a red-eyed high elf, their Grand Inquisitor rides dinosaurs IC and is married to the gnomish Lord Chancellor of the Church of the Holy Light and their Grand Archivist is a teenage girl with the widest dump truck you’ve ever seen.
This is a more apt depiction of their racial make-up. They have by and large since canonically transferred their guild and characters to FF14 by having them be magically wiped out only to awaken in that universe.

For further references, though. In the middle you have the Grand Admiral and Grand Inquisitor, beneath her and to the right you have the Grand Crusader swinging her sword and the Grand Archivist next to her. She’s the short one. The character next to her is wielding a forged copy of the Ashbringer because she had a vision of herself wielding it. She had an in-character vision of her doing the paladin class story in Legion.



I’ve seen that one before. Hard to miss.

Not valid.

I’mma have an out-of-character aneurysm.

I find it somewhat amusing that apparently the only trait of the Night Elf chick is “smokes a pipe” and nothing more.

Hey, she has glasses too.

I love how on the right Braum from the video game League of Legends decides to make a cameo.

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The child RP is weird and I could never approve of that. The rest of it, I don’t really mind. I used to sneer at Moon Guard a lot, but I’ve grown out of it.

One thing I can’t help but ponder - Moon Guard engages in a hell of a lot of roleplaying that some Argent Dawn posters would classify as “second life RP” or “not true RP,” that has a detrimental impact on the roleplaying community and leads to the decline of roleplaying across the entire server until it’s eventually just a normal server.

So how is it that Moon Guard still has an active roleplaying community, even though it’s bursting with Uldum-tier shenanigans with no respect of immersion, lore or realism?


You join an RPC, you learn what’s been put in front of you. You don’t know better. You just go along with it. Big figures make the RP, people follow it etc. Scene is set.

I know what you’re expecting me to say, but not this time friend

I don’t want to be horny anymore

I just want to be happy


At least she can blow a mean smoke.

Because European servers are divided between English, French, German and Russian whereas everyone in the Americas and Oceania have to play on American servers.

that is a whole brand new sentence paragraph

Me, bottom far right, being a devout christian :pray:

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They’re americans


Yeah, so the EU ends up with a much shallower pool of english speaking players to dry out as a result.

That said, it isn’t actually the much maligned “second lifer” that drains the server but the people who don’t RP at all and bring their regulars over. The former still RP’s and can be part of a wider community given the chance whereas the latter just logs on to do progression.

And thus largely fiercely resistant to guidelines, moderation and decency, narcissistically violating lore on the regular and tolerating other factors that together usually create frustration and friction on AD, driving people away.


You can’t fight your neurons activating. Not without serious medical intervention.

It might have active roleplaying community, but does it have active Warcraft roleplaying community? Because I don´t think many people here claim second life RP is going to turn everyone into OOCers, what they claim is how it hurts the server by removing the setting from roleplay.
Because having stuff like Scarlet Crusade guilds with gnomes and elves in it certainly doesn´t feel like Warcraft. On AD, you mostly have RP happening according to the lore once you get into guild RP, and you can easily find casual RP that fits the setting too. On MG, if you want to roleplay a character that is part of the world Blizzard created, you´re fighting an uphill battle.


Cuz their community makes an effort. It’d be shallow calling it Uldum tier without really engaging with the community or other guilds.

Anyhow Europeans will always war

I think their rp event named Tournament of Ages has raised $50k dollars for charity this year.

The decline of AD is partly due to the game, but I’d mostly say to the insipid s**t stirring made by community, taking things IC OOC, and plenty more.

I barely play retail/rp these days, because it feels like a waste of time putting in countless hours and effort for a very stagnant and close-minded community.


Just because there IS a RP community, doesn’t mean its a GOOD RP community. And that goes for EU too.