'Just ignore it'

I remember well the time that I was chilling in Orgrimmar and a Goblin RPer with a shotgun walked up behind me and emoted blowing my brains out before walking off.

I ignored it.
Should I have not ignored it because, technically, a Goblin could just walk up behind my character with a shotgun and empty a shell into the back of their head? It’s not lore-inaccurate, after all.


Gun gnome says entering any area inhabited by the vertically challenged means your knees and brains are forfeit

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Weird flex.

Cringe flex.

Nah bro they absolutely hate me.

Based and LFR pilled

Admittedly I don’t play Obahar as much as I used to, and not really in hubs outside of Booty Bay, but I do semi-regularly RP in the bay and in Duskwood on other characters.

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To be fair, Obahar is perhaps one of the only toons in this thread I’ve ever spotted in game, except for that one time I saw Tenasa staring into space for 20 mins before disappearing like a cryptid.

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Aight I’ve got the thread muted but I just going to say that’s such a pathetic jab I don’t know if I should feel cringe or disappointment.

Granted I’ve not been on THIS character for a while in RP, but Obahar can back me up since he knows I’ve been active in RP on another character for a while now.

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I didn’t know I had a stalker.

I’m pretty bad at my job if I’ve only ever seen you once, don’t you think? :joy:


At this point I don’t know if these threads amount to anything more than cringe jabs at party RP events, or anything that isn’t super gritty grrr war.


Yeah, because you CERTAINLY can speak on that.

Not really - I just post on Speedwagone because that’s the character I usually use. I have way too many alts to pick from, as someone so intimately familiar with my check-pvp should know.


I see we’ve hit the critical point of the forum thread where one person begins obsessively replying to every single comment.

Everybody’s favourite.


Man I’m just trying to reply to what folks say to me :sob::sob:

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but keep in mind, they aren’t the mad one :^)

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Now this is Jarposting!

man it’s almost like people bubble up nearly exclusively in response to adversarial/lore-guardian RP that exploits this random-encounter goodwill, leeching off other RP because “you should always roll with it”

for each random encounter that turns out genuinely interesting, there’s several full of incredibly trite confrontational/meta-jab stuff you just feel obliged to entertain for the sake of Good Sandbox RP

at least bring something fresh to the table


Whilst I sympathise with the notion that the potential to lore-breaking is like a cancer on the server.

I don’t think it’s fair to entirely blame the role players as the concocters of this mess.

I feel the sinister reality is that It’s more the direction and choices of the game devs. Having alienated the player base and led Warcraft (and what so many cherished about it) into a slow and steady decline.

Especially in the lore department.

Nowadays people don’t care enough to police or even protect what they were once passionate about, due to the choices made by Blizzard with their storytelling.

I’ve no interest in Zandalar Tea Parties, btw.

Tldr if people were in love with current day lore and retail, they’d advocate for protecting it


So much of this. I don’t understand the obsession with controlling what others choose to include or not include in their own RP. Sure, any given set of RP’ers need to come to an amicable consensus to be able to have a good time, but it shouldn’t be such a hassle to part ways if it can’t be reached.


Given that I’ve seen players pretend that Shadowlands is not canon and state that they are going to ignore:


Dragonflight Alpha’s addition of a timeskip of ‘several years’, if it goes live…

I can’t really wholly agree with the argument that Blizzard’s poor storytelling over the last few years is to blame.
More and more, it just feels like a lot of people don’t want to RP in World of Warcraft anymore and will willingly deny canon lore for it.
It leaves RP in a precarious position where people will either be forced to bubble off, or retcon their characters inbetween every interaction.

That is the sort of thing that needs to be called out, because it harms everyone. Someone hosting a private tea party on the shores of Zuldazar that nobody will ever hear about before or after it happens… isn’t.