'Just ignore it'

I don’t ‘not agree’ with you; rather I thought to keep my post short and sweet. And highlight another note of the issue

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Why not call out both?

And its not just Blizzard’s story telling that is to blame, but how the game plays as well.
Bad story with meh loot systems and specs will turn people off faster than milk in the sun.


Oh, you can absolutely call out both. I’m just of the mind that one takes far greater priority over the other as one can be ignored, just some people don’t want to, but the other cannot and will greatly influence a majority of people’s RP interactions going forward.


So verbose I completely lost the point you’re trying to make.
However, seeing your guild tag, I am inclined to not bother in the first place.

Though I’m not fond of SL lore, I can’t pretend it didn’t happen. I can wave it off in various ways IC and have different reactions, but it happened.
Sylvanas attacked ICC, angry angels stole our leaders and the sky opened while the Scourge went mad is the main thing my characters all know. Others have bits and bobs of knowledge from gossip and rumours.

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But Hearthstone is canon in Warcraft.
And the newest Hearthstone expansion is all about a murder mystery in Revendreth, meaning that the in-universe creators of Hearthstone KNOW about the afterlife and are using stories from beyond the veil to advertise their card game.

Hearthstone would be really culturally insensitive in-universe huh, between showing a definitive depiction of an afterlife and turning beloved figures into monstrous death knights, or even just having characters in the game who have been responsible for thousands of deaths.

Probably best not to think about it too much but if you do think about it, you can get a chuckle out of it.

Hearthstone is canon in universe but are the expansions?!


While I understand where the OP is coming from…

… I do think the OP is forgetting that most guilds tend to work with storylines, which can take a while to explain, and usually with their own combat system, which can also take a while to explain. You can’t just “walk in” without stalling the entire event.

Besides that, no one is entitled to anyone’s RP.


So just to be clear here.
are we mad about people using parts of a zone as a setting piece for a private evening event ?

or are we mad because some people like to use certain areas to represent the environment of their evening event?


in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king

what do you think of that quote in regards to your post elenthas my friend i think it is very fitting especially with your involvement in role play but if you disagree let me know we are here to discuss after all and not just bash each other

especially this is such a conundrum damn how could this ever be solved without ignoring each other i really do not see it damn homie if only someone role played cultist in the wild and could speak from experience on how he still never ever bubbled in the open world i just do not know lol

edit: man after thinking about it i know a guy…


How do you guys prefer to go with people passing nearby. Approach fully IC or is there a whisper involved? I know the likely answer, but still it’s nice to know how people go about things.

is that a question @ me ?

Well, I think ignoring is a bad thing, and it hurts RP in general.
Nothing is perfect, and we are a small community, not huge one. Sometimes, for the sake of developing the community, we can close our eyes on some lorebreaking things, cause there are a lot of holes in the lore, and secondly, if you ignore it - you just keep dividing small community into even smaller sharded groups.

That doesn’t mean, that you need to support or don’t ignore a group of Warlocks having summoning demons event in Stormwind.
That is not right and I hope everybody understands that.


Yeah, when you reply directly after someone’s post and it’s to them it seems to get a bit weird. (it being the forum in this case)

if you role play an exotic, harder to portray or more “role play skill”-requiring concept ( :smirk: ) imo the onus is on you (in this case: me) to set it up and implement it into the ic world in a way that does not require u to contact any and all ppl you come across ooc through whispers or discord

you can without a problem role play being crazies in the wilderness without having to bubble up from any passerby, i don’t even see where the issue is with that in the first place (@ the guy who hasn’t role played in ten years but still posts under every OP). i always attempt to approach ic even if i know that ppl will lol @ me or w/e because i give them the benefit of the doubt. sometimes a whisper like “(our characters are trying to hide in the bushes)” or “(if you don’t want prolongued conflict you are free to emote just running away easily)” helps tho

ftr: i think if the only option for you is to tell the other role player to ignore you then you fail at rp. because that situation can only arise in a setting where you are very likely to be met by other role players who are not part of your specific group and you either did not realize this (because you fail at rp) or you realized this and you don’t care (because you fail at rp and are lame) AND you role play something so crazily lore breaking or stupid that it requires all outsiders to look the other way so your dumpster fire isn’t put out.


lmao I didn’t realise this at first (even though knowing Hearthstone is canon) i can just imagine the IC interaction before the afterlife is made more publicly known

‘Wait, so Revendreth is what now??’

Goodluck getting everyone to be good roleplayers and getting the entire server to stick to a standard, pretty sure people have been trying that for roughly 15 years give or take, but if you think you can succeed more power to you, because thats the general gist I got from this, “Just ignore it” being badrp/unreasonable people ect, like others have more or less implied I doubt a rant on the forums will do a great deal but if even a few pick up on it and start bucking up their ideas, who knows, a result is a result


Each roleplay group, event, guild etc is essentially its own session of a tabletop RP session.

Except they’re all held at the same table, and everyone playing their version of the game has their own ideas when it comes to the setting.

Imagine if someone from another table, or someone just visiting the venue walks up to your table and slams their hands down and begins berrating you for “doing RP wrong/not respecting the setting.” They would look insane.

It’s not that the solution is to just “ignore it,” it’s that you don’t need to acknowledge it in the first place. Heck. Maybe you’re not even invited, maybe it’s a closed event, in which case the latter part has been done for you already!

We’re all making do with the finite space we’ve been allotted in Warcraft. We’re all paying to use it, and be here. It doesn’t matter what kind of explanation you come up with involving responsibilities to the community, consequences, or a proper adherence to the setting.

No one can MAKE someone RP in a way they don’t want to. Most of the people being discussed in this thread probably don’t even read the forums, so all we’re doing is circulating our grievances among ourselves.

So bottom line: Ignore it and go make something more in line with your personal tastes, because there is literally nothing else you can do.


Well first things first. The sage wisdom so many forget: Pay my sub for me then you get to tell me what to do.

Second: It’s frelling polite when you encounter a group in the wild to whisper first and ask “Hey are you in middle of something or are we ok to approach you?” what the frell happened to that courtesy. They could just be travelling on the road and its fine to approach or they could be fighting Raid Marker enemies and aren’t prepared for an intrusion into their event. It’s not hard to show a little respect and ask first instead of forcing your way in and potentially derailing something important to others.

There’s a time for Bubble Shields Up and time for Bubble Shields Down and it’s not permanent binary choice made once that stands forever and ever for all future interactions.


I don’t think it means anything really. My ‘RP credentials’ (or lack thereof if you prefer) are known well enough but the core of the post is solid. If one of the people who upvoted it had written it instead then I’m sure you’d have found some other way to jab at them. Unless they were your friend I guess, then you’d have not said anything at all I expect.

Perhaps you could share your ‘wisdom’ with the thread then.

It’s clearly not the stuff in your further post, since that was addressing ignoring ‘everyone’ rather than the specific situation I detailed - characters who would, should, and could kill you.