'Just ignore it'

I agree. Too bad you can’t do the same with senior roleplayers who are already set in their vile, evil, criminal ways. They will not heed your warnings, and will only be focused on their branch of what is objectively good RP.

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This is a big post, so I’m putting it in a dropdown to avoid cluttering the entire thread.

A long winded narrative of dumb things that are probably incorrect.

A direct quote from the opening post:

You only care about yourself and the selection of people who patriciate in these events and how you shape the world around you and not how it really is.

You enter a bubble.
You close yourself off from the world.
And the roleplay community gets weaker.

That is quite literally saying that roleplaying in your own tiny bubble makes the roleplaying community weaker.

Anyway, contention aside, I think the core difference in our stance on the matter is what it means to do something in public, rather than doing something in private. I am of a firm adherent that if the roleplay itself remains isolated and separate, then none of the OOC actions surrounding it matter one bit.

For example, say there’s a group of Highmountain Tauren that roleplay being NASCAR racers who get up to all sorts of wacky non-lore-conforming adventures in the remote region of WoD Gorgrond. You just so happen to spot a few of these Highmountain Tauren lounging about OOCly in Dalaran, talking about whatever NASCAR fans talk about.

Does that suddenly make their roleplay a public matter? Despite them making a public appearance, no. You could engage with them OOCly, and get told all about their intricate system for deciding who wins a race, and their roleplay would still not be a public matter.

Just because you know about something that’s going on, doesn’t necessarily make this thing public. In my eyes, what makes something public, is it being done in the presence of others, not it being openly spoken about in an OOC setting.

If the Highmountain group holds a NASCAR race in the middle of Orgrimmar, or virtually any other area where roleplayers are known to congregate, then I will agree with you that they are doing out-of-place things in public, and they shouldn’t really be doing that. Those are the bad eggs that I will gladly support rooting out, and I can see them being a detriment to the roleplaying community as a whole.

But so long as they keep all in-character matters to themselves, then I don’t see making an OOC recruitment thread on the forums as suddenly exposing the entire playerbase to their affairs. That would be merely asking for interest, not outright shoving their roleplay in your face. Knowing that certain roleplay exists should not bother you, until you are forced to partake in it or behold it.

Is there a line in the sand that can be drawn as to how much OOC stuff should be tolerated before a group can be considered to be a detriment to the community as a whole, regardless of how concealed they keep their in-character stuff? Probably. Did the groups you have in mind when discussing this subject cross either the IC or the OOC line into becoming unwanted? Most likely.

Still, that does not warrant lumping them all together. I remain steadfast in my belief that any roleplay that does not in any way, shape or form impede your own, should be tolerated. If they keep to themselves, then they won’t do any harm, not even if they post a recruitment thread on the forums. You knowing that something exists, does not mean they don’t keep to themselves.

Thank you for reading my essay. If you made it this far, I want to take the time to tell you that your roleplay is valid, and that you are an appreciated member of this community. Keep on keeping on!

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People are entitled to ignore one another though, one thing I have noticed with alot of the people on the forums who whinge about others ignoring them is they do tend to belong to a community that is known for ignoring plenty of people, and yes I mean the PCU, PCU have ignored tonnes of rpers, Ive seen it myself ages ago, so always strikes me as super odd to see mostly only members of PCU guilds on the forums subtly whining about others ignoring them and being in bubbles, when PCU are basically a collection of bubbles…who ignore plenty of people, cant have your cake and eat it, its okay for others to bubble up and ignore you, like others have said the whole “you dont pay my sub thing” and this isnt a dig just an observation, cant expect double standards to have any legs and last

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Agreed, the naming n shaming of rpers just due to a poor standard of rp is insane, thats ridiculous bullying behaviour, the behaviour of a sociopath or some severely deranged person, scary so many are on board for such, deffo not the way forward and says more about those suggesting it and nodding along than anyone else


I´m not the OP.

I’m yet to bump into a PCU event as an outsider where they didn’t involve me or at the very least ask if I want to be involved.

Ah, you mean where they decide they don’t want to RP with certain malcontents because they made it their business to trash them OOC on every Discord imaginable. Yeah, shame on them.

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Not specific people or the PCUs opinions on them, just the fact they do routinely ignore people/groups and “bubble up” so it is amusing to see people of the same community to be basically the only people on the forums crying about others ignoring them n not allowing them access to their “bubbles”, works both ways
reeks of “We can ignore you, but dont you dare ignore us” which is laughable and clearly no one will go along with that, evidently.

I´m going to need a source for that because the only people we´ve actually put on ignore were few disgusting individuals (like one person who said they want to see us killed in front of our families) and few guilds (one that actually asked us to ignore them, one that was trying to sabotage one of our own guilds for a long time).

Oh Lords lets not go there again… It doesn’t need to be brought up every thread :face_with_head_bandage:


Just gotta set the record straight here… When i said group x i literally meant any group x could be indevidual x or such… I was in the PCU for a very brief time. And used to be deathly afraid of them in the past. I was very posetively surprised of just how different they where on the inside from all i was afraid off from the outside.

In my perfect world i’d wish they came back to Orgrimmar. And that people wouldn’t be afraid or too insecure to give them a chance.

And that also they too brought more people in as well, I have no doubt allot of rp’ers and beginners would have allot of good experiences awaiting them if so.

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I dont feel the need to provide you a source on people the PCU do and dont ignore Syelia, you can always just not believe what I said lol, not here for one of the typical 200-300 response back n forths you guys are ever so fond of, just stating something well known by most, the PCU ignore people and bubble up, yet it only seems to be PCU members crying on the forums about bubbles and being ignored, take that as you wish


Ive been in one of their guilds, found them all in there to be pretty sound, in the guild I was in atleast


So your source is “just trust me, bro”.

Yeah, that’ll do for the likes of these convos, we arent in a Courtroom Mrs.Elaine


This routine goes as far as how they deal with communities and players who are militant about demonizing the PCU though. Everyone else with the mental capacity bigger than a shrimp they have been facilitating with their role-play, whether that was in the hubs or out in the open.

Not sure why you think it’s a routine instigated by the diabolical pee-she-you when it’s others adding “Ignores PCU”, “Screw PCU”, “Perroy ruined the server” in their TRP descriptions, recite COAD like it was their bible and go on crazed Defcon 1 rants on the Dalaran (or other) community Discord when they see a dreaded PCU guild tag on their hallowed RP location.



Or…just dont expect double standards? you ignore people right? so why whinge about being ignored, same as any on here whinging about it, pretty sure they all ignore a few people themselves
Again, reeks of “we can ignore you, but dont you dare ignore us” goodluck making anyone entertain that


Said the guy who in a thread while ago spent hundreds of comments demanding screenshots of Obahar apologizing for something he said.
Nice double standards.

Yeah you’re just wrong with your superficial take.

Nah, I dont think I am, people who ignore others…crying about others ignoring them, hilarious really, if you wasnt being serious lol

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