'Just ignore it'

Yeah, I also havent been active as much but noticed even when Im not here, you guys never fail to find someone to argue with, I noticed that alot, infact alot of you on here who usually do “gang up” tend to bite at eachother when no one else is available, but lets not get into all that today :wink: but it is why I mentioned “You guys being fond of” whether im here or not, youll end up in such

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Nice deflection, mister “I need proofs when others claim something, but I don´t need to provide any (or even explain stuff) when it´s me claiming something”.

Also kick those filthy Alliance goons from my Zandalarian beach.

Not a deflection, you guys will argue day in day out forever, even when someone like myself is inactive, youlll find someone else, hell youll bite at eachother like I said if you havent had you fix for the week with a singular person you can all dogpile, but again, lets not derail to much, the main topic is basically “let us go to your events n do what we want, dont ignore us” which I cant see happening any time soon


And once again, deflecting after your hypocrisy is pointed out.

Lol, if you want the last word with that particular thing, have it, I imagine it means alot to you, back to the main topic however

“Back to the main topic”, said the guy who derailed the thread in the first place.

Can we stop derailing the thread and please get back to the topic?

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Didnt at all, mentioned how laughable it is for people who ignore and bubble to whinge about being ignored and bubbles, the main topic more or less

can u stop treating this like a live chat lol

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That part I do agree with. There was a brief moment of calm on the forums before these “I don’t like your style of RP” threads started popping up. One after the other.

It always goes the same way too; frustrated OP preaching to the choir and a few people telling them to chill - 'cause for the most part (predatory behaviour, child RP and disrupting others fun excluded of course), it’s largely harmless and doesn’t actually directly effect them.

It kinda brings an “Old man yells at cloud” vibe to the scene.

Except this time it was heartening to see more people stepping up and reccomending the chill out option. That was refreshing to see.


This is false, the group you aim at even let me join their adventures as an outsider numerous times.

Also ignoring makes for poor optics, treat those people like the less fortunate victims of war or void incursions, but that is just my take.

100%, its a bunch of argumentative people dying for someone to bully most the time, some kinda weird validation thing amongst themselves or to themselves or whatever, very odd behaviour, never ever fail to find someone to argue with, even if its eachother, but thats besides the main topic


Right, I know what I said isnt false, this isnt a court room, Im not about to start taking down evidence of cases of people being ignored for future reference lol, like I said to Sy, you can always just not believe me, I wont lose any sleep over it, I promise

lmfao can you stop posting for one second without adding “but back to the main topic…” without actually getting back to it

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If people like yourself can actually get back to the main topic yes, instead of desperately trying to keep it where it is currently due to an obsessive like craving for conflict, find your fix on another thread, this one was staying some bit on track till you all got in your feelings

I wouldn’t say they’re going out of their way to bully someone, even if seems that way. It’s just the same people arguing the same point over and over. Which gives the illusion of ganging-up. I don’t think it’s intentional.

Makes it difficult to offer a different opinion sometimes though!

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turbo virgin energy


I dukno, just noticed even when not commenting much, the constant back n forths never end, but for some people thats entertaining for a decade or whatever, they can legit keep it up, each to their own

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Yeh, you n ya homies reek of it lol, get a wash