Just one more change for classic vanilla - NamePlate distance

Increase nameplate distance for atleast 41 yards. I can’t express how frustating it is, for no reason at all, to not being able to see target health if they are a bit far away from me.

If you are agaisnt this because of the surprise element in pvp, you probably dont know that the Names that can resized to show players even 400 yards away, so no surprise element here, everyone can see you getting close and where exactly you are, its just an annoyance that people cant see their target hp, it was a tech limitation back then, some tech limitations actually created good systems, not this one, ask this to 100 people, not 1 healthy one would disgree. pretty much same people that disagree with this are the same psychopaths that don’t agree with dual spec. Blizz keep doing what you are doing, and by that make this change that makes all the sense in the world.

I dont want to target a random person based on random criteria in a bg, i want to have the information about their HP so i can make an informed decision that if its the healer the best target to take down or the warrior, i also want to know at a glance if there is any hunter there for example and not make a random guess on which classes the enemy has there. Because some random elements are fun, but not if your main decisions are mostly based on them.

Do this change and coupled with dual spec, buff/debuff limit, classic will be pretty much TOP 1 MMORPG of this era and the next.

Blizzard, you have the cheese and the knife, make it hapapen. Turn vanilla wow into the “next” big MMORPG without even releasing classic +