Just remove the DH

As the title says , just remove the class already. it was a decent class but now it’s unplayable in pvp. And don’t say it was op before cause it wasn’t. Just go look at the pvp ladder and tell me how many dh you see.


That’s because demon hunter power was borrowed. Wait for conduits and stuff.

Current beta conduits don’t seem powerful enough to make the spec competitive unless they add new stronger conduits or improve the existing ones. Overall from what I’ve seen so far from the beta I have a feeling SL borrowed power will be less significant than BFA borrowed power so that means DH will be among the classes that will suffer the most.

just don’t play it already

No one is unfortunately. I am one of the few last DHs in BGs and Arena so far in the past 3-4 days.

And to the people saying “wait for conduits” okay my friends, but you guys realize that Classes that are already strong just will end up stronger aswell with them too? So in the end it makes us maximally “normal” again…

They just went overboard with nerfing EVERY single defensive we have except Darkness. That is the biggest problem in PvP right now. You’re a discount warrior that is even squishier than one. Even Feral is more tanky than DH right now and that says something.

I think they might aswell.

DH is now useless because community wants it to be useless.

Community will go mad if dh gets to be decent again

Blizz knows it.

No reason to play one. Unless masochist.

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There[quote=“Emobear-firemaw, post:6, topic:195460”]
No reason to play one. Unless masochist.

If you count out on RP’ing Lord Illidan with the Warglaives of Azzinoth transmog then there really never was a reason to main a DH :slight_smile:

i got my glaives just waiting for timewalking raid, was supposed to come next week but it was removed from calendar aswell

Id main one if the spec could just be viable.

Worst consequence of not being viable is community stigma.

And if they redesigned the class for the better…

Ahhhh! I will get my transmog next BT TW too! Tbf I think I could main DH too under the right circumstances but I doubt those will ever happen. I just find Monk superior in pretty much every way and I only tend to play classes that have a castable heal on no cd like Monk, Druid, Pala, Shaman and Priest, just can’t play a class for long without an heal on demand. Monk just ticks the most boxes for me other than not being able to wear those glaives.

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No, just balance it properly.
Currently we’re all in limbo between patches and most classes are poorly balanced.
If you don’t like it, don’t play it, I switched a month ago after having played Rogue since vanilla and I love it.


Did you notice that Blizzard pushed TBC timewalking event back from 21st October to 2nd December?.. Shady.

I haven’t noticed… well that sucks, but I have waited so long, I guess I can wait another couple of weeks, not happy about it though… :frowning:

If they want to gimp both dmg AND defense then they should just give DH stealth already.

3rd spec maybe?

still just play rogue. better damage better defense and stealth

feral aswell

If they outright deleted every class that happened to not be meta at one point I wonder how many classes we would have left


Difference between not meta and nerfed to the ground to the point where the spec is a meme, completely unrelevant and not viable.

Sure you can play it in mediocre endgame content, but pugging anything at all will be hard because of community stigma, and everyone will be outperforming in every aspect.

Just no reason to play one. Glad i never invested in maining one.

We’d be left hunter.

The problem is that SL might release in that time frame and that might mean no one will bother doing TBC TW, because they’re leveling and experiencing new content.
Basically, blizzard pushing this back might just make it impossible and you’re going to have to wait for several months.

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Also, depending on who you ask, all classes are OP, all classes should be removed and all classes are UP.
It’s just a matter of who you ask.