For the past two expansions, the night elves have been the punching bags of WoW. We lost our home, suffered genocide, and the victims were sent to the Maw to become fuel for the Jailer or twisted into monsters ,as seen in the Night Fae campaign. It also doesn’t help that Elune seemingly denied Tyrande justice in 9.1, and supposedly sent the souls to the Shadowlands without knowing the Arbiter broke.
The good news is we won the Battle of Darkshore, and took back some of the lost territory, but there are a few things Blizzard should do to make up for this series of tragedies.
First: Justice. I have no interest in going after the Horde anymore, because I’m as tired of the faction conflict as most people at this point. But Sylvanas must answer for her crimes, no matter her motives, missing soul fragment, or relationship with the Jailer. For too long, she has evaded justice because of plot armor and fan- service. Many desire vengeance, but apparently vengeance is bad now, and Danuser will most likely give his waifu a redempion story.
I could settle for a redemption story, but only if we get a scene where Tyrande confronts Sylvanas about Teldrassil, her restored soul lets her feel remorse for her actions, and she does something meaningful to make amends. Even then, she should serve some time in Revendreth, to properly atone for her sins. Either that, or she could sacrifice herself to save Anduin or something.
Second: A new home. Many players want a break from the cosmic stuff, and return to Azeroth. There are rumors of a new world revamp coming up the next expansion, and this would be the perfect time to give the night elves a new home. Mount Hyjal seems like a perfect place. It’s well protected by Aviana and the Green Dragonflight, and far from Horde territory. Malfurion might already be working on turning the area around Nordrassil into New Darnassus.
Even if there won’t be a new world revamp, a new disctrict in Stormwind, built around the embassy would suffice, since the Darnassus quartermaster is already there. Just give us something, Blizzard.
Third: Heritage armor: 6 races got their heritage armor in BfA, but none have gotten any in Shadowlands. Someone asked about it during Blizzconline, but Ion’s answer was “when it fits the narrative”. Well, the current narrative has been disappointing, and it didn’t stop some the sets added in BfA. I’m sure the art team has been busy with the covenant sets and the upcoming tier sets, but I really hope they didn’t just abandon heritage armor halfway. If they truly wish to tie heritage armor to the narrative, a return to Azeroth would be the time to do it.
As for the night elf armor, the quest could focus on rebuilding our nation. The armor could be either the archer armor fans want, or they could follow the same pattern as some of the existing sets and base it on a Warcraft 3 unit, such as the Warden. And no, warfront armor is NOT heritage armor. Heritage armor is race- exclusive, can be transmogged on any armor, and comes as a reward from a unique quest chain. Besides, many didn’t bother grinding the warfront for those generic- looking sets anyway. The Kaldorei deserve better.
These are the things I want as a night elf player, and I’d like to hear your thoughts.