Kaivax - Can you manage this community please and take peoples opinions into account?!

i just feel like EU does not have one


I was curious…

So, they actually DO HAVE a feedback and active discussion with Devs. But on US:
As I told, they just don’t care about non-US based players.


its just sad cause there are alot of good EU players that have good feedback but then agian why have a community mannager on EU when they dont even need one since they dont read anything


Double neglected: Neglected forums and neglected spec xD

I’m aware of the US forums, just unable to post on it makes me sad. only hope is that there’s other ferals in the US who will give the right feedback.


There is some feedback on Feral in the US forum, the thread compiled by some people from Dreamgrove Discord is here:

While we can’t post in the US forum, we can like posts. So please like the **** out of the good posts in this thread :slight_smile:

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My feedback aswell for feral , i need someone to comment to keep the thread alive, its probably the most viewed feral thread on EU


…also don’t forget the feedback thread in the Shadowland Alpa Discussion.


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Ok, I’m still trying to do things better. I’ve registered a trial US account, submitted a ticket to GM and asked to send our feedbacks to Devs. They refused(expectedly) and as always gave an advise to create a post on forum or use in-game feedback form.

So I’m going to log on US every day and send links with our thoughts and concerns through in-game feedback.
1 Message for bears, 1 message for cats.

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Sounds like a solid plan. Have a clear and concise point of feedback.

Bingo. :partying_face::innocent:

Like dhs in 8.x?

We need more druid feedback and there are not that much. This will end really bad for us in shadowlands. I wish i can try my guardian on alpha for more feedback.

While I agree that more feedback through various channels is always good, there is already plenty. Youtube videos, a recent thread on Wowhead, multiple threads in both the US and EU forum, posts in Ion’s (?) or some other dev’s twitter feed and a while ago a google drive document with a list of issues. So Blizzard is aware of what players think - if they don’t address issues around Feral/Guardian then it is because they don’t want to or consider them irrelevant.

Which is dispointing, since every other spec has had major fundamental changes and spells given back 'sept ferals. (Technically we have had some spells, but at an inconvenience to use).

Refund train might be coming to the station soon. Choo choo!

Do the devs actually watch those videos though? And some i’ve watched aren’t detailed enough so i’d take them with a grain of salt.

Also, it’s not just feral and guardian that’s in a bad spot, it’s balance as well. Resto seems like the only one that’s fine? I haven’t seen any outcry about the spec really.

I feel like a lot of the feedback is getting ignored anyway. There isn’t enough druid players on the alpha from what i’ve seen - they need to start inviting more people in.

I’ve been reading through the US forums. If blizzard does check it there we shouldn’t worry about them not hearing us. The US have a lot of good points about feral. If they’ll listen to them, we should be good too

Not really the point - You’re ignoring a large percentage of your fan base willing to provide feedback taking time out of their lives to improve your game. It’d be nice to get a response saying ‘We’re taking stuff under advisement’ or ‘We hear you’.


I agree , this was the same problem with BFA alpha and beta when i gave feedback nobody listened to EU or Feral feedback it ended up “Alpha bfa” forums deleted and then they said “you didnt give feedback” the thing is people are like “Its only alpha relax” yeah only alpha like bfa one right when what i gave feedback for and what i feared would happend actually happend . So Kaivax , if you care about our community read Both Forums “class and alpha/beta shadowlands” not everyone has shadowlands alpha key but we know what our specs went through in BFA stop giving love to fire mages and give love to specs like Feral , Enhancment , Arms ,Sub and Survival .

if you dont care then i dont know what are you even doing in your office in that case you should be fired


I think Arms, Enhancement & Sub have gotten some love already, but feral and survival ironically have been left to fend for themselves.

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i can agree yes

Dont get me wrong, I completely agree with you. Just trying to not worry myself and calm others I guess (: