The youtuber Kakio has, for a while now, put up video’s where he basically messes around and trolls in popular RP hubs on Alliance/Horde. Personally, I feel like this just brings Goldshire tier players and lollers into the realm as copy cats, and do see the damage in it.
I’d like to hear the thoughts of the realm, however.
Idk he seems pretty harmless to me
He’s a sweetheart and a scholar.
His soul will be claimed as the last.
A youtuber. I remember once him streaming in Orgrimmar/Silvermoon and his fans spamming yells. Kinda annoying, I think other youtubers that do similar content in America just do it in Goldshire.
Kakio? What about the creepy dwarf, stalking perfectly hopeless people and throwing motivational talks at them?
Drama and anguish sustains us. The dwarf must be destroyed.
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Based and presumable an English Dwarf
Think some of the videos are pretty humorous but when it’s stuff like sprinting up to people and yelling the plot to the expansion at them in this quasi-IC way it’s pretty ![:dizzy_face: :dizzy_face:](
Sure you can say “just ignore it” and I doubt the gamer is pressing the issue loads but honestly any problem in this game can be replied to with “just ignore it” - it would be more pleasant to keep the tone of content in line with the server’s theme
People on AD would pop off when the local shadowmoon farseer predicts an expansion so why should it be 100% cool when someone else does it? Are people that desperate to have their character model appear in a video for 5 sec
Most bits of him have been pretty neat from what I’ve seen and funny but when you run around asking people about Vanilla ice cream and returning back in time IC it’s just
That said, the sadder thing is that his videos are still probably some of the best content on WoW RP there is on YouTube, considering how every single other video is either an RP guide (aka a monotonous read of the lore wiki page) or even lower brain power “RP” (rly just trolling / OOCing / pseudo-ERPing) shenanigans (see, PixelCatGamer).
le epic youtuber man with zoomer horde in tow, can’t imagine anything better for the server.
We have bigger problems at hand than a youtuber.
Wake me up when we do something against Asmongold and his army of 12 year olds.
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That’s for our brothers over the pond to fight against.
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Echoing the sentiment about his videos being neat, harmless, maybe a bit cringe with the vanilla part but was expertly handled by Toq’s reply in that video about vanilla.
He gives a glimpse into rp and generally the comments are positive about the community, as opposed to someone trolling maliciously and trying to own the rp’ers rly hard.
Also generates some positive advertisement for guilds involved with the videos, going by those same comments.
Is he really that disruptive?
If he did it all the time, sure, it’d be annoying but from what content I saw of him he seems to not do it that often, and when he does it doesn’t seem that harmful. I’d say the RP in WoW has far bigger problems than Kakio.
Looking at you, ERP guilds that infest all the corners of Azeroth. Even Kharanos was invaded by like twenty of those degenerates a couple of days ago. Couldn’t even have some dwarf tavern RP because it was literally packed with that… filth. You can ignore some lollers, but when there’s entire guilds and presumably communites of them… it’s disgusting. Also, looking at you, Duskwood.
In the end, Kakio seems to be in for some harmless fun, haven’t ran into him myself but it’d seem like some good banter. The vanilla thing was a bit far fetched though I’ll admit, but was handled very well and seemed like a good time all around.
From the brief glimpse I had, the crux of the problem seems to be with Kakio’s fanbase. Whenever his fans notice he is online, they start to follow him - which results in them /yelling and /saying to get his attention.
I don’t think Kakio himself makes these videos with particular malicious intent - he genuinely seems to be there just to have a good time, oblivious to general roleplay etiquette and unaware of the disruption his own fans may cause. I think the latter is where the problem lies - several OOC people yelling tends to break one’s immersion quickly.
Streamer=Panders to the lowest common denominator. He was blatantly trolling in his videos, and if you think that is cool, get off the realm. No seriously, get off the realm, you don’t belong here. So, The Hand of Conquest guys in the video I saw actually handled it well, by just taking him to the cells and hosing him down, all the while he is screeching in that -REALLY- annoying voice he has. “OMG! These Roleplayers are reacting to me totally messing up their game! They’re so Weird!”
Yeah, he can take his fans and they can all play Sticky Biscuit together, and nothing would be lost that day…
He had malicious intent, and he expressed it. Tough luck if you are a fan…Most people who saw that will just regard you as a tool.
Love the guy, always a good chuckle to be had when he uploads.
i support our venerated Farseer!