Kakio de la renard?

He’s fun and brings joy to people, I remember a few friends being super excited when they met him running around. It brings a much needed air of lightheartedness every now and again, and I hope I bump into him myself at some point. I really enjoy his content and I think he’s perfectly fine, so long as he doesn’t harass people or purposely crashes events or smth.

Real glad to have Kakio, the one true Farseer :clap:


Which is what he seems to be doing.

I Think all streamers should be banned from RP servers in general, because their fanbase has a tendency to come and harass RPers.

I guess ‘harass’ is still subjective. Still love the guy, he makes the game a little more fun to me.

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Fixed that for you. We must remember Brigante is one of those who cannot be called a boomer.

On Kakio, I had him approach in one of his earlier videos and it was a bit of fun. It’s annoying when his fans yell out and would be nicer if he didn’t bring ooc topics, but in comparison to others he’s reasonably harmless.

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I don’t get why people throw Youtube video makers and streamers in to the same bucket.

You know you’re taking the game a bit too far when you get thrown off-track so hard by someone disturbing the tranquility of “Faffing about in a town”, and not invading events off in some corner of the world.


Because some youtubers do both, thus I combine the two.

Both are annoying.

Soo… If someone who has made videos for a year suddenly boots up a stream for the first time and only once, he is suddenly turned in to a streamer?

Sounds legit.


Compared to the sodapopping bloke who actively tried to crash RP servers back in the day, this almost seems wholesome.


It’s a shame that, unlike at the start where he was basically hidden under some random character to just show AD’s MAD stormwind rp scene, he just rolls in the same char which prompts CLOUT farming gamers to swoop in and start “OMG KAKIO im so random look!” spamming until he gets the 5 minute mark before switching to the other faction’s rp scene.

It doesn’t feel like he’s documenting organic stuff because everyone knows who he is since he never switches characters.

Literally try it yourself and login as some char with “kakio” in their name and see how thirsty-for-fame people will run up to you.


He knows what his fanbase is like and still brings them onto the server anyway.

Seems like kind of a tool.


would prefer if this server was just roleplayers only to be honest. not interested in youtubers and streamers, and i’m especially not interested in the fan base following them around and doing some really wacky stuff for just 1 second of screen time. it’s highly embarrassing


im fairly sure he’s harmless and doesn’t really mean bad but he does encourage people to and disrupt rp as if it’s a good thing and as if people like it - the only ones you see in his videos are the ones that didn’t ignore him, which i imagine is always a very small amount - i am all about interacting with new or curious rpers but people who are the focus of the thread obviously don’t want to learn - it’s just another oocer on the huge pile of other oocers


it was less than a year ago when he had his infamous “raid” on Silvermoon, so I wouldn’t really say its harmless. It garnered enough bad attention/straight up trolling that he had to actually put out an apology on his twitter(And the forums as well I believe)

Yet, it took like…1 month before he was at it again, because hey, views.

And that’s the thing which bothers me, I quite liked his videos. Up until he jumped on the bandwagon of “Lol roleplayers so weird, ill go mess with them hur dur.”


Actually, I found the specific post/thread, it was in 2017, so 2 years ago(time flies by fast). But he was at it again less than a month after this.


Sorry, had to make the link like this or posts to the start of the new forums for some reason.

Edit: Wow looking back at that thread, I feel annoyed that I personally let him off so easily, especially when he continued it shortly after and has been up until(and including) this year, only a few months ago.


Kakio is a legend. He featured one of our Stormwind ganks in his “Why undead?” video when our guild was still young. Regardless, I actually enjoy his content and think its light-hearted and goofy.

Also, naming and shaming is forbidden on the forums according to ToS. Calling it now; this thread is going to get deleted and the OP will be receiving a minor punishment for it. :cry:


Yeah, roleplayers are so weird.

Creating characters, making backstories for them and having a great time with others that enjoy it as well. Yeah, you damn weirdos, how dare you!?

I don’t think that he is funny at all but I’m told that people from my country have no humour anyways. His actions and their immediate effects may be harmless but he should take responsibility for his crazy following.


He’s not as obnoxious as he could be, but I still don’t find him funny or clever. Just feels disruptive and a bit patronising to tour around the RP scene like some sort of RP David Attenborough, knowingly causing a heap of bad comedy and a trail of desperate internet fame-seekers to follow.

Maybe I just don’t get the joke.


So what people are saying is that people should be responsible for their community’s actions?

Huh, alright.


If you’re aware of the community that surrounds you and don’t take any action to moderate them, yes.

People with an audience have additional responsibilities that individuals do not, because they have authority and reach that individuals do not.

Not super complex.