Kakio de la renard?


It seems redundant but I’ll point out how post #271 and #295 are before those you blamed in this thread.

The e-mail itself? Frankly you said it yourself that it is racist considering the ghost proofs that you read exist, but that you yourself fail to provide.

Sorry, what? You are claiming there is evidence of videos. I can post several videos from youtube about what happened in that class, they’re not as hard to find, want me to do it?

Unless you don’t consider words like “phenotype” racist, you won’t find a single bit of racism in them.

Which is hypocrite when you also suggest that the other person is bad for not agreeing with you.

Well, my point is that you’re making a case in an implicit/ambiguous way, because your points rely all on emotions and if you dislike a post, you’ll react emotionally. Do I really have to find the text for all the time in which you low-key, in a passive-aggressive way, suggest I am a bad person?

I am not unbiased, definitely. But I am perfectly capable of distinguishing the content of my post from my feelings.

I am trying to prove a point: that you’re irrational when you argue and that brings you to twist the truth, according to your feelings. I’d say in this post of yours it is quite evident.

So now you don’t claim there is evidence? Because here you did: