Kakio de la renard?

I really wanna hug Vixi right now, she seems so sad and upset. :sob:

Athramus shall pay for this.


Have I? Lord Desartin (and trusty troll companion), by my right of swolness and sovereignity of my Garrosh fanboyism, I hereby relieve you from your internet and suspend your posting rights from service.

… and now I’m totally making tea. Arthas out. mic drop


So because I wrote a while ago that I joined a PCU guild/community and found the people there nice and friendly, and have been very friendly towards me in the past when I’ve posted, I’m automatically evil and wrong?

My defense of them as well stems from that I have been on Argent Dawn and relativly active in forum discussions and reading since 2009, I have seen most of the drama revolving The Rotgarde(later PCU) and in a majority of cases, I found, by reading through -everything- and coming to my own conclusions, that alot of it was bogus made by angry people who didn’t like that they got kicked or told they were wrong for doing bad things.


Walks away sadly
I’m sorry Vakosh, I can’t watch you do this.


Did you not know the lore is if you are part of the PCU you are evil???


The PCU guys seems fairly nice and respectful in general, unless they person they respond to in question is a gigantic wank, and even then they ain’t overly rude.


I hope there is a special place wait8ng for you in the Necropolis Vakosh.

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Athramus, have you ever considered that if an entire server tells you ‘you are wrong’ that perhaps you are wrong?
This just ain’t flying, chief. =/
Especially considering the fact you yourself madly toss buzzwords like “logic and reason”.

Also to be completely honest it’s very low IQ play if you begin just using the “PCU is bad” stereotype as your most valid argument. Vixi has my support here and I can myself testify that a lot of what’s said about it as a community is simply people being madmen OOC.


You just crossed a terrible threshold Vakosh…

Okay that’s enough arthas-posting for today.


That requires a different train of thought than ‘‘MEMEMEMEMEMEME!’’

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Don’t you mean Uther posting?

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I stand corrected. Pippy and Vakosh took on the Arthas-role ( And Dudflex seems to have taken the role of Jaina upon him)>

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Thats because I make the cutest jaina


This is Athramus thought process in making ‘‘correct’’ opinions and everyone else is wrong.

Only He is correct!

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S’true fellas

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It seems redundant but I’ll point out how post #271 and #295 are before those you blamed in this thread.

The e-mail itself? Frankly you said it yourself that it is racist considering the ghost proofs that you read exist, but that you yourself fail to provide.

Sorry, what? You are claiming there is evidence of videos. I can post several videos from youtube about what happened in that class, they’re not as hard to find, want me to do it?

Unless you don’t consider words like “phenotype” racist, you won’t find a single bit of racism in them.

Which is hypocrite when you also suggest that the other person is bad for not agreeing with you.

Well, my point is that you’re making a case in an implicit/ambiguous way, because your points rely all on emotions and if you dislike a post, you’ll react emotionally. Do I really have to find the text for all the time in which you low-key, in a passive-aggressive way, suggest I am a bad person?

I am not unbiased, definitely. But I am perfectly capable of distinguishing the content of my post from my feelings.

I am trying to prove a point: that you’re irrational when you argue and that brings you to twist the truth, according to your feelings. I’d say in this post of yours it is quite evident.

So now you don’t claim there is evidence? Because here you did:


Stop feeding the already bloated troll.
Edit: Tic.

as an ex-youtuber it’s bound to happen to everyone, its like a curse