Kakio de la renard?

ilyadris the breezy


Saying you got proof and not giving proof you might as well just not said anything in the first place.
Could take the bullet on the forums and expose the PCU epicly for what you accuse them of and be the big hero!!!
But seems thats not happening…
Also just a reminder, saying what your characters are is not doxing… its just for those crazy people hiding behind alt posting. Like i feel you are doing right now… ravencrest poster on the argent dawn forums…

Edit: And it seems i was right! Aeyvree…or Aurorab from argent dawn. Which one of these two characters do you go by?


I bet that emote would make any dwarf mountaineer jealous and drool at such skill at ranged combat…

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Ooh, it all makes sense now.

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Ah yes, the classic, I know something you don’t, but i’m not telling.


What’s the lore on this person?

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Question: point of knowing this is what exactly? Objectively speaking.

Because “now I know what your other characters are!!!”. Okay. But… now what?

You’re right, it’s just plain creepy. Which makes me sort of question what type of person would instantly think of “now I will stalk this individuals characterlist!”.

A friend of mine (Who I added later on Btag) did the very same thing.

“Can you help me with X raid on your rogue?”
“Sure, but how do you know I have a rogue?”
“I looked your character up on the check website”.

Instantly am creeped out. Same for anyone who looks up Facebook profiles and such.

Can you imagine some random person chatting you up with “you look good on your Facebook profile insert your full name here”? I would cease any contact instantly and would report them to Blizzard.

running the name of someone who hides behind an alt to spout :poop:isn’t creepy :slight_smile: feel free to do it on me too


Is that an attempt to grind these check-pvp inspections and become the most checked person on AD? There I thought I’m catching up with you…

Don’t think I could ever catch up to big P’s fanbase :frowning:


Yo still waiting on the lore here…

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Maybe actually getting into PvP and applying to lots of premade groups is the way? People love checking if others’ achievs are legit.

makes baseless claims

doesn’t back them up with anything

receives an offer to actually present them privately to validate those claims even from a throwaway account

“nah… but also i’m right. i’m not lying. believe me please”

what an absolute chump ilyadris absolute CHUMP


they don’t call her ilyadris the breezy for no reason


Another pro-rper voicing his opinion


I feel a pun here. :eyes:

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That creeped you out? You must be easy to unnerve.

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Listen, Aerlien, I don’t have much time. There’s something you should know about Ilyad- :boom::dizzy_face:

I can't say anything with big brother watching

I am not at all easy to unnerve. Though the can of worms it opens is another thing.

Question though:

let’s say person A is stalking person B because person A is unhealthy obsessing over person B.

It’s “okay to look people up that post weird stuff”, so it’s… Okay to stalk someone? Because it’s the same thing, right? You just “look up the profile of someone”. Just how it’s used is different?

Where do you draw the line in this? At real life profiles? Or real life in general? Is there perhaps a reason why the Facebook AD group has such a negative reputation?

Genuinely curious where people draw the line of it despite them doing nothing else just with a different intend or finding it “okay to do”. Where is it “not okay” anymore?

Looking someone’s characters up isn’t stalking them, it’s verifying who they are.
To stalk them you’d check everything, keep tabs on their activity and generally be a constant presence. Either known or unknown.

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