Kakio de la renard?

I don’t think that was the point being made here.


For example, I said it may have happened: not that it did happen for sure. Besides, context matters. But I have done mistakes and I try to improve.

As Vixi asked me for a proof, it’s only legit that I ask you of a proof aswell.

The e-mail? No one else in the discussion argued in your favor after that post actually. Could you quote the paragraph which is racist then?

This “or something” makes me wonder if you even know what you’re talking about.


[Usually you want to say "I don’t think that was the point being made here Insert something you think instead was being made here.]

Thanks dad.

Sorry pal, but it did indeed happen, not may have happen.

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Yeah and the proof you gave me was that I disagreed with you on your subjective opinion on a topic henceforth according to you, I now always lie and fabricate things.


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Draeconic opinions are always facts. Get on with times Vixi.


It’s still not what a gentleman should do, am I right, to send accusations without backing them up?

Isn’t this what the Saurfang Legion dislikes? Or what Vixi said is bad behavior on the forums? To throw accusations you cannot prove? Give me a post or just stay in your corner.

Our argument wasn’t based on a subjective opinion at all tbh. Arguing that an e-mail has racist content or not isn’t so subjective as you make the case for. The rest is a thinly veiled ad personam attacks.

I mean she just has to post a paragraph from the letter and make a case that it is racist.

If she didn’t try to amplify her points everytime her case would be much easier to make.

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Scroll up, i linked a previus post, where you indeed, twisted my post and another’s one to suit your needs.

That wasn’t an argument lol. As I said context matters: the discussion had settled already.

That post was a clear pun, not meant to be part of a discussion.

Edit. Note also how:

  1. the trick it’s obvious there, it is for everyone to see
  2. I didn’t start doing the whole ad personam arguments: they came from you and the gnome, and for quite a few posts, so you should have expected a reply in tone.
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Lol, just say you deny the proof i presented to you and stop saying rubish mate, some honesty on your part would do wonders.

So, you are saying…. we were the one twisting posts? Ok then, show me where I did that?

Simply because no one else argued in my favour of it doesn’t mean you are factually right though, unless you mean that if your post gets more upvotes on a forum then you are a 100% honest factman who does no wrong?

I personally also did not continue the discussion in that topic afterwards because I found it pointless to argue with you more and didn’t have time either.

I can quote what I think is, sure.

“There is a huge difference between a group or coalition deciding to voluntarily absent themselves from a shared space in order to highlight their vital and underappreciated roles (the theme of the Douglas Turner Ward play Day of Absence, as well as the recent Women’s Day walkout), and a group encouraging another group to go away,” … “The first is a forceful call to consciousness, which is, of course, crippling to the logic of oppression. The second is a show of force, and an act of oppression in and of itself.
You may take this letter as a formal protest of this year’s structure […] I encourage others to put phenotype aside and reject this new formulation …”

All of it honestly, considering the context it was in.

I’ll elaborate further then.

The context of the email was that the University had a day once a year in which the minority students went off campus for their studiess as a part of a display on their affect and contribution to the University, as America has in general -alot- of issues with racism towards minorities.

That one year, a group of minority students decided to make a change on the situation, proposing the idea of letting the white students take a course off-campus while the minority students had an activity on campus. This suggestion was to highlight the diffrences is numbers, as well as how a tradition can also end up kinda backfiring by making all the non-white kids go away for a day. The proposal was entierly volunarily and put out rather sensible.

Weinstein, disagreed heavily on this, saying that it was dangerous, called the students who proposed the idea as trying to “force all the white students of campus in a display of opression” and the email stated this as well, that he believed the minority students were opressing the whites for even suggesting this. (Despite the students themselves saying it was entierly voluntarily, as did the school when they picked up the idea.)

This came with alot of allegations, many with evidence, towards him making racist remarks in classrooms and directly insulting the students who proposed the idea in the first place. It was all of this combined which forced him to resign, since evidence came up(video recordings in classroom etc) that he smacktalked the students involved with very negative racist remarks.

So putting that into context with the email, yes it is quite racist. I believe so atleast. If you don’t, that doesn’t make you factually right.

I don’t deny it - it’s a deliberate case of me targeting that gnome and mirroring her own ad personam argument. You can’t really blame me for introducing those arguments in the discussion though.


The post from before didn’t even get the context right lol. This is basically why I think you keep twisting everything. Possibly you don’t know what the you’re talking about. “All of it” it’s pretty much the best way to avoid confronting upon the subject.

Yes. It comes across as a surprising situation that Weinstein’s decision to keep lesson inside the university caused him hundreds of troubles. Because this is literally what he has done.

Oh please. You have done zero research and even claim there was evidence for racist remarks. And it’s not even clear from the rest of your post if you count the e-mail (which has no racist content) as proof of racism or not here. There was no evidence, really.

What is smacktalking exactly? The videos I have seen show him fairly collected when he discusses with a mob of angry students that were telling him he should resign, that he’s a racist and a horrible person, right? Not sure which video you speak, considering you possibly just googled what you needed to get a quick bit witty reply.

I mean, the tribunal advocated in his favor so I don’t think your case is as clear as you want to demonstrate. You yourself gravitate between “this is obviously racism” and “this is my subjective opinion” which in this context means nothing.

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Not really, as I just posted above to further explain the argument/discussion, you disagreed with me on that the email was racist(I thought so because of its context) and therefore, you consider me twisting words and fabricating everything I have ever posted since that day, nearly a -year- ago.

Actually, you don’t even consider me that, you claim that it’s factually right, by science, that I do this. Not that it’s your opinon.

All because we disagreed. That is rather…weird.


But ultimately, if you posted on an alt, he would consider you to be a-ok :slight_smile:

Which is why alt-checking is fine. You eliminate that unnecessary step of “Is this person a draenei poster”. You’ll just know from the get-go. Life becomes so much easier.


Fine, answer why you cut my post in half to make a statement then?

If is this not twisting truths, I don’t know what is.


This is


Thank you my goblin friend.

Yeah, I do reply to those who post on alts.
ie. I don’t ignore tehya on the 58 DK basis.

“Hmmm” is considered a statement now?

But Tehya only posts on that character. They don’t constantly change to veil their opinion behind the mask of being someone else.