Kakio de la renard?

I didn’t the first time either (and I had no clue who he could have been).

Edit. What I meant by that is I don’t care who I am discussing with - if their point is sound…

Fine, why did you twist my post to suit your needs? Is this a better question?

So if I were to post on my other characters, and post the same opinion as I had on Distant, you’d think that was a legitimate course? Pretending my view has more traction that way?


I made a typo in the previous post, and corrected it, I can own that up. Then I explained the situation further clearly. I’ve read up on the topic, I did so before as well. You seem -heavily- agitated that I disagree with your opinion though, and consider them facts that I am wrong, when in actuality, no, it’s seperate opinions. Just because you think you are woke and know what is going on, does not mean I am not just because I do not share your view.

Not really, again, the proposal was -entierly- voluntary and for one day. He claims it was a mean to opress him and his white students and threw a hissy fit.

This seems like another very agitated means to try and discredit me and place your opinions as “100% facts”. I have done plenty of research, but I just didn’t stop at certain sites like yourself(judging from your stance on this honestly.) but read through alot of articles, news stories and coverage.

Alot of them brought up the allegtations of racism with details on what happened, but I guess its eassy to just dismiss it all as “no evidence” when you have a story you wish to portray, hm? That story being “Vixi is a liar, and I Ahramas can do no wrong and always go by hardened facts, never opinions!”

And your original story you tried to push when we first had this argument was that “PC is ruining the world” which I disagreed with. You then brought up 6 heavily disuptable cases as “proof”.

From what I gathered when I read through this back then and now, people had videos of him in the classrooms saying pretty much what he said in the emails, with that even proposing this idea was an opression of whites and harmful. Several students also approached the school with testimonies of him spouting racist remarks about the individuals in question.

You come across with all of this as really angry over the fact that we are having a discussion, you try to demonise me and belittle me with nearly every reply simply because I disagree with you in that I think the email -in context- of the situation, was kinda racist.

The tribunal court case was not about if he was racist, it was about if the school had done enough to protect him from further troubles after his resignation, which they reached a settlement for, -alot- smaller than they claimed.

I’ve been pretty clear to say that I, find it racist, and as this situation even arose, others did to. -You- on the other hand, claim that because I think so, I am factually wrong and everything I ever said in my entire posting history is a lie because of it.

You’ve also thrown in every snarky response and belittlement under the book, claiming I do zero research, trying to do witty remarks, that my own opinions are irrelevant as well as personal attacks and insults directed at me.

Regardless if we agree on this topic, which we don’t, I have mostly respected your belief that you disagree. You on the other hand has held a year long grudge and now deciding to try and paint me as a compulsive liar and you as the hero with all the facts, and when I critise you, you get -super- defensive, agressive and outright insulting.

Says alot about you, more than your opinions does.

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I think this is the problem with the forum’s “Court of public opinion” style of discerning the quality/value of someone as a poster rather than the contents of the post.

Apparently yes, on this forum at least.

The sentiment of “You said something silly that people didn’t agree with a few years ago? Well now it will be stuck to you always and be used as an argument regardless of relevancy” is a really childish one.

The first method’s like, you know, totes outdated blurgh, the second one’s more modern and progressive, you diiiig?


Agreed but, instances of this happening are not really that common, unless said person uses alt to bash the same opinion over and over again, that’s what i take from my time on this forum at least.

It’s only held against you for as long as you unapologetically stand by it : )


Yes. From a logical point of view what matters is the argument, not who formulates it.

Of course there are exceptions in which malicious intent should be deterred but so often it clouds valid input. Knowing who is behind it all isn’t necessary.

It had little relevance in the essence of the discussion, as you (and others) already contributed to send bananas with multiple ad personam attacks and explicit claims that you weren’t taking my arguments seriously while patting each other on the back (“don’t listen to him, he’s obliviously trolling”, “you can’t be serious” etc).

Once you demean the context of the discussion, you should expect these types of remarks.

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Of little relevance? Not really, you being of such opinion doesn’t make it true.
edit: And you saying it had little relevance doesn’t really answer my question, so stop saying dodgy stuff and answer it please.

Knowing who is behind it all is absolutely necessary.
If its a dude insulting your guild on an alt and you check, now you see its the guy you kicked yesterday for acting completely bonkers.

It’s about understanding the person better.
Also i could quite simply make a forum thread consisting of myself on 6 alts insulting x guild or person. Because alt posting is OK!!!


Do it, make a thread with 6 Alts insulting me so my happy mood gets crushed and I spend the rest of my time crying in the corner.

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That’s actually a fallacy fallacy

Also I don’t think anybody asked


While I wish you would have discussed this earlier, with me particuarly, since I find it something we can actually discuss about, it feels a little weird seeing it now, considering how you went in a several post tangents with ad personam direct attacks at me and claiming all things under the sky about me because we disagreed that one time.

Where as, as I said, and as you -know- from past interactions, when people have said “he is a troll dragon rper dont listen”, I have infact done so and been very civil with you.

It’s a bit sad to not see that being mutual and you doing the -very- thing you claim is so bad, towards someone who has not done so at you. All because we disagreed -once- on a political situation.


Latin is for nerds.


If you want to be taken seriously (which you never will be), dont write ‘‘lol’’ when you’re arguing. It makes you look like an immature teen. ‘‘hurr durr lawls u r so dumbz LOL!!1111!!1oneone’’

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Call me a nerd then.

You’re a nerd.

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Shut up you nerd :peach: poindexter.

bows Thank you.

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Never, you can’t shut me up!