Kakio de la renard?

Pretty much yes. Especially since he hasn’t done fudge all.

I feel that he’s relatively harmless as long as he does it in the proper way, approaching people who don’t seem to be in all too busy scenarios in a way where you only semi-say what happens in the future. The best occassions I could think of these are the “Reporter-kakio” videos, but as seen in both those and others, he does randomly just walk-up anyone, seemingly unrelated to what they’re doing in the moment.

As to the “These roleplayers are so weird” behaviour, it felt more as if he was just having fun with the people he met than ridiculing them. It’s entirely plausible that he just went on there without having a clue what the general rules of thumb are, but then, he should of hit the books on them a while.

I mean, just in his latest video he did like 5 hours ago, he runs up to people roleplaying and shouts in caps “ARE YOU AFRAID THE SHADOWLANDS WILLS SWALLOW YOU WHOLE???!”, “DID YOU KNOW SYLVANAS KILLED THE LICH KING BOLVAR AND IS TRYING TO FEED US TO THE MAW?!” and other things, while followed by dozens of his fans shouting profanities.


Stop promoting trash etiquette thanks


Yowch! Haven’t seen that one yet. That sounds inherently dumb, especially seeing as he had a relatively acceptable format of simply being a reporter before this. I don’t see why you’d change the format, but, clicks.


I mean, he does it like this stuff only once pet month, or two and if you ignore him he just buggers off. He’s pretty good when it comes to remaining polite imo. Everyone in comments loved certain characters and people saw RP in positive light. I’d say he ain’t that bad but thats just my view.


On paper it’s not really complex but the guy has 60k viewers, there are people with much less of a following who tout they cannot be responsible for everyone’s actions.

Either way kinda feels like this is being blown out of proportion, a guy that turns up once in a blue moon and maybe attracts fans with him, he then roleplays a little jankily?


Edit: Ugh, Abomination liked my previous post, away with you.


He doesn’t though. First time he did this, he specifically went out of his way to get fans with him to go to Silvermoon during peak roleplay time and spam toys and profanities for nearly 5 hours straight.

He then made a brief apology, and queue 2 months later, he ran around as a Draenei in Stormwind named, again with followers from the start, and ran up to people shouting random ooc banter.

He then took it easy and did the memey-/half-troll reporter videos.

And now he is back to the Silvermoon stuff.

He has from the start been nothing but every defenition of a troll/broken every part of the ToU/roleplay rules as well.


He knows what effect he has. He chooses not to mitigate it - note Gobbert’s previous post about him reusing characters, so all his fans know it’s him.

Don’t think there’s much more to say. It’s not going to bring the server to its knees but neither should it be tolerated (much less applauded). Slippery slope and all that but he’s not the first videoman to crop up on AD and he won’t be the last. People should be hostile to it, to hopefully discourage it happening again.


He’s also showed in nearly every video that before he starts recording, he posts on his discord/twitter, sites etc to call for people to join him.

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Where can I find his discord?

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Nowhere. Go away.

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Yes, absolutely

Is that really such a crazy idea?

Basically this - the videos where he roleplays some low-key thing asking about races that can be written off as some in-universe thing is fine and some of them are even pretty funny, even if I think that the meme of treating RP servers like some curiousity to observe is pretty patronising

Stuff that is 100% OOC in the thin mask of xDD roleplay xDD like the vanilla thing / the Shadowlands thing are the problem - along with people copying the videos and doing the same thing but in an even more :zzz: manner


I had to deal with these fans whispering me constantly “Heh heh, I saw you in one of Kakio’s videos… heh heh.”


Hehe… i saw you in one of kakio’s videos…


Depends. He’s at his best when you can believe IC his character doing those light hearted pieces is insane and you can roll with it. When it’s more blantant OOC and bringing real world elements, it may be distruptive. I think he handled the Shadowlands thing far better than he might have had, the prophecies sounding like something one can hear from a mad prophet, and as long as it happens once per 1-2 months, it feels natural enough not to be too annoying. Can’t say anything about his fanbase because frankly I have no idea.

In typical AD fashion, everyone gets their taco’s in a twist over a dude who’s on the server for a few hours once every blood moon.

Chill the hell out people. Holy :poop:


xD­­ epic meme

Most posts seem pretty calm, they just don’t want him around. Seems like you’re the one with your taco in a twist.


If that’s how you see it. Can’t discern tone over text. Read a post in any tone you wish, and understand it in the same way.

If that Silvermoon thing people are talking about is indeed true and he did make his fans spam stuff for hours… I take away my first post about him being harmless. I thought these short videos where he played a reporter troll/messing around in GS once in a while was all he did.

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