Kakio de la renard?

It’s because Perroy and his PCU are actually the Illuminati and control everything and everyone. But I know, You see, I’m woke. Make fun of me on CNN or Whatever but they’re demons, they a freaking interdenominational Demons.


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It wouldn’t be a classic AD thread if someone -didn’t- bring the PCU into it.

As for the whole Kakio discussion, im obviously late to the party, but I went to watch his last video where he was running around shouting cryptic things about Shadowlands. And while I think it was a bit ehh, and can come across as lollish, he does not seem like that bad a guy. ( Though, if you’re reading this Kakio, draenei don’t speak like a modern human!)


In other words, it’s important that I don’t just take another person’s opinion and make it my own. This is a lesson that I learnt from one of my former instructors.

I believe that everyone is entitled to an opinion, but when you start to feel like your opinion is ‘the one’, then you have gone off the track and need to take a step back. When you become someone’s go-to person for their opinion, then you are basically saying that you are more important than they are. A big part of what makes people successful, is their willingness to step back and think about how their work into the broader context. The more you can think about how your work fits with the other stuff you do, the more powerful and valuable you can be in the work that you do. It’s hard to get the perspective that you need when you are focused on your work as a whole, and your work feels too small and disconnected from all other work that you do.

I am the first to admit that there is no “magic” way to start thinking about the importance of “how” and “why” when you are working in the “how” business. I believe that to be true, and I believe that there are people in the industry who are better at finding the right balance between how and why, than I am.


Who says she’s friends with the PCU? Maybe she just has a functioning brain and can show empathy? Doesn’t exist with you, does it?

She might not have access to the proof? She might be at work and can’t post anything?

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He’s an attention tic. He breathes out his rear, just ignore him. It’s the same as putting some vaseline on one. He’ll shrivel and die.


I would like for you to present proof that i said you were trolling in said thread like you claim I did.


Because she claimed she interacted and basically joined the PCU in a thread a while ago. But really, the leave that community aside, I am not making the case against them, it’s just to understand why she has this double standard.

Oh no. We’re too late. These posts may look fine now, but it’s only a matter of time before the fecal flinging begins.

This entire thread must be locked.


Can u stop pooing up the thread, please? All I see you do is wait in ambush for PCU/People u dont like, but ye’ nae’ gonna do that in roman land.


How can you even consider that?! There’s got to be some other way!

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Damn it Desartin, can’t you see? WE HAVE TO DO IT!

As your future Gnomish Overlord, I order you to purge this thread!


Local man trying to get the last word. Simply transform into a dragon and exit the thread


wait hol up

You are not my overlord yet nor would i obey that command even if you were.

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You are not my Gnomish Overlord yet, girl! Nor would I obey that command even if you were!

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Then I mu-… she mus-… we must consider this an act of treason.

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They are not true though? You’ve not shown or posted anything to give definitive proof that I do these things other than you believe I do so because I had a diffrent opinion on a political case.

You’ve claimed video evidence but didn’t post them. I did not post any because I never said I saw them. I said that through my research into the topic, most sources mention & bring up that students came forward with video evidence which was shown to the school and was a large reason for his resignation.(Another thing we disagreed in, since you think that people are fired for no reason, when specifically when it comes to teachers, even in America, there are strict laws forbidding it unless it is a clear case.)

I’ve tried to do that in every post, if you had read my posting history, it is something I generally tend to do with everyone. It’s kinda what I do.

I never once said this, infact I have pretty specifically said you are entitled to your own opinion and I respect disagreement, but not that you are -factually- wrong calling me a liar and making up horror stories about me.

Okay, yes. I do consider it cruel to come in guns blazing to a post, directly insult me personally for 10 pages, -lie- about me, call me names, belittle me and say its all justified because I do not share your opinion on a matter we dicussed over a -year- ago and went away from.

Again, -everyone- does, even you. Litterally only robots and psychopaths don’t ever think without emotions whatsoever. (I am not calling you a psychopath, lets make that clear.)

I made a single typo by misplacing a word and edited it. I am stressed and a little upset and irriated by that you are -deliberatly- being mean and agressive for the sake of it and making up false statements and accusations. You claim you do not disslike me, but this thread says otherwise.

I have -never- done this. I said that you came across that way -because- you openly attacked me, made up false statements and has been harassing and insulting me for half a thread now. I consider that vile. I do not consider you vile for sharing a diffrent political belief.

False, as stated above. Read my comments again.

Again false. I -claimed- that -I- considered the email racist with the context of the -events-. I mentioned that students brought -video- footage to the school, I -never- said “i saw this video”, I mentioned that the stories mention testamonies & video footage, which was shown to those who had the power to fire him.

You are at this point, regardless if you believe it or not -factually- cruel, making up false claims, twisting my words, insulting me, namecalling me, belittlelling me, and making up entierly fabricated stories while posting very agressivly and say that I deserve it. Something I have -never- done to you.

While also in the same thread saying it’s mean to do so.

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What does the thread name mean btw? It does not sound English.

Have you lost your mind Pi… i mean Vakosh?

“de la renard” is a inside joke for MoGF people.