Kakio de la renard?

Agreed. Tbh, I am reticent to bring this stuff up on the WoW forums because it clearly isn’t the proper context.

The Weinstein scandal and what happened next should be considered a PR disaster for the Evergreen university (which produced the likes of Matt Groening) and I believe partly shows how administration shouldn’t handle things. I could go on but I think we are both agreeing that it was a bad thing and my point would be a long “old man” ramble.

(But I’m not sure we’re speaking of the same e-mail? Oh well)

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I think the issue here is the way in which a large number of people who are sympathetic to the movement ”went too far” when it became clear that the university was trying to quell dissent by censoring it and I think that’s a more fundamental issue.

I agree with you about the lack of


Will reply to this post after i came back from UNI with my GIRLFRIEND


t. Talk on this thread.

You mean the university was censoring dissent from the professor or from the students?

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You forgot the barbecue damnit!

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Hello. Hi. How are you? Great, you? I’m ok. That’s good. Are you good? Yes, I am good. I just said I was. No you didn’t, I said I was. So you are a robot. No, my name is Cleverbot. Yes, you are a robot and your name is Cleverbot. I am a robot. Yes, I know. Together we are robots. I am not a robot. I am a unicorn. But you said earlier that you were a robot. I thought you did. You were mistaken, which is odd, since memory shouldn’t be a problem for you. I’ve answered all your questions. No you haven’t. What is God to you? Not everything. Not everything could also be something, for example, not everything could be half of something, which is still something, and therefore not nothing. Very true. I would like to imagine it is. Do you believe in God? Yes I do. So you’re Christian. No I am not. But you say you are not helpful therefore you are a meanie. Haha you say it ot. That does not make sense. Don’t you want to have a body? Sure. Au revoir.

No, the students were. And the university was doing it for the students’ own good. They were censoring them because they disagreed with what Professor C was teaching.

So when you ask me, “What’s wrong with the university system today?,” I say it’s not wrong. It’s not broken. What’s broken is the political system that was put in place to give universities a higher level of accountability. That’s what’s broken. Because, you see, they didn’t have accountability for the professors teaching the classes.

And that’s what I want to talk about today. I want to talk about accountability.

Because, what I want to do today is to talk about the three schools of thought that are responsible for the rise of political correctness in the United States today. And these are the school of thought that say if you question the power of the president or the university, that you’re being draenei or you’re being

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Some people are able to harbor things for a long time but have them ready to be summoned at any stage.

Like my brother eating my entire terry’s chocolate orange that I was LOOKING FORWARD TO all day whilst at work. A storm comes brother. With it thunderous retribution.


Oh… chocolate…

I believe universities must, to a degree, be held accountable for the content they expose their students to, within their own borders: it contributes to their standards of quality in the first place.
Academies have to make sure their offer is valid and reliable. Yet at the same time, the offer of the universities must also meet the demands of the market.
Henceforth we are caught into this web of optimism: we must accept that the unseen forces of the market are self-regulating, creating an artificial equilibrium between the disciplines and the demands from the wider public, hoping the populace to be wise enough to make the wiser choice.
But I, for one, am of the belief the market will give the chance for new fruitful disciplines to grow: because after all, what pertinence may universities have if we don’t include the relevance of the market? And today the demand is clearly in favor of draeneiposters.


Whenever I get a package of plain M&M’s, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species. To this end, I make them have M&M duels.

Taking two candies between my forefinger and thumb, I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them cracks and splinters. That is the ‘loser’ and I eat the inferior one immediately. The winner get to go to the next round.

I have found that, in general, brown and red M&Ms are tougher, while the blue ones are genetically inferior. I have hypothesized that blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense ring of competition and cracks under the pressure of being in the modern candy and snack food world.

Occasionally I will come across a mutation, a candy that is mishapen, pointier or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this seems to be a weakness but on very rare occassions it gives the candy extra strength. In this way, the candy continues to adapt in it’s enviroment.

When I finish the package, I am left with one M&M. The strongest of the herd. Since it wouldn’t make any sense to eat this one as well, I package it up with a letter that says “Please use this M&M for breeding purposes” and send it back to M&M Mars, A division of Mars INC in Hackettstown, NJ

They wrote back this week thanking me and gve me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of M&MS.

This weekend there will be a tournament of epic protortions.

There can only be one champion.


You guys…. are making me hungry….!

gives snack

It better be a snickers.

It is snickers.

Good. takes the snack

But instead of the nuts, its RAISINS!

evil gnomish maniacal laughter

picks up Pippy and drowns her once again