Kakio de la renard?

I’m paying the sub, same as you do. So yeah. We do count. All of us do.

Who has that kind of time on their hands?


I find it weird since you have proven yourself to be frankly a disgusting human being. Not because your believes, but because of how you interact with people and think its okay to bully me because I disagreed with you one time a year ago.

Every person I’ve seen has commented on that you’re a bad weird/troll rper. It also kinda fits your rather disturbing personality. Just go away and don’t be such a massive tool.


That’s funny because whenever I see you in game and in character you always appear to be alone.

Complimenting yourself doesn’t count.


He has apparantly, hence why I said I think he seriously need proffesional medical help.

I think you need it, Vixi.

More realistically, we just had a debate about people being able, or not, to not let their bias cloud one’s judgement while having a discussion. I started lamenting that so often tracking alts / reputation in general prevents a serious form of debate.

As Vixi was arguing that it was an effective way to box people, I took the burden of proof and used past conversations to show her bias. I argued that her position is often irrational, filled of strawmen and post twisting, which caused an huge argument that ultimately ended up in an huge breakdown from her side.


I need professional help, because I just need to know why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch


Thank you for being honest. I agree, you did lose the debate.


Nah, not really. He’s winning a 20vs1 boxing match.

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That’s typical gnomeposting there


If someone alt posts, they don’t deserve serious debate and should be laughed at and mocked.

I do change alts that I post with at times, this is true, but I also make it known that I am Jess/Pip, I don’t pretend I’m someone else.

Counting to 5 isn’t quite the same thing, friends. I can count to 10, so suck it

Honestly why are you such a pinkerton, I bet your dad sells avon and your mum works for the council you absolute spoon.


You could ignore people on Old forum? Dayum…

I for one, is too lazy to go through that process. Also I can just easily dismiss what they say.

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That argumentation. Lmao. “IM NOT CRYING, YOU’RE CRYING!”

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Yeah, it’d just hide their posts.

Is this an actual insult? Cuz if it is, I’m gonna use it.

Wasn’t really an argument. I was mocking you.

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And failed.