Kakio de la renard?

Your grandmother is a nice lady.

I wanted Sailor Moon. GET OUT!

Why do you treat me like this, Aerilen. Can’t you see I’m trying to pander to the basement dweller Weebs.

I think she isn’t depicting a fair view of my position, tbh.

The point in that other thread is long forgotten, but it was related to the fact that the PC culture can be dangerous. In particular, we discussed the evergreen scandal in 2017 (among other things).

She claimed that Weinstein’s e-mail was racist (and possibly the professor, too) although the mail (which I linked) didn’t really have any track of racism whatsoever. So the stance became that “all of it was racist” as proven by the “context”, as a lot of people spotted evidence of the professor making racist remarks. But of course arguing if something is racist is “a subjective opinion”, so she can’t be proven wrong and doesn’t have to provide any video or evidence of it.


Funny thing is, I’ve had discussions with him…like 3 times total since then. Everytime been very open to his point of views while others have flat out told me to ignore him since he’s a troll.

I kinda regret that considering the -immense- hatred he’s built up for me since that time and has now spent like 100 posts activly insulting me and making up lies about me.

Then seeing himself as a big boy that won because it upset me.


Hey there hot-stuff, you appeal to my weeb-side :blush:


She’s completely fair and honest about your position.


If this is the case, then you’re round. :smiley:

Keep your nose out of my attempt at romancing Dudflex-chan

I needed to post it for myself.
Vixi, ignore the troll, petal.

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At least post with non-dub you filthy swine!

Dub for the win!

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No… I like the English dub because I grew up with it on TV.
Also, its a song, so meh.

Actually my last name is Barry with a C, not Chan.

Sorry Dudflex Barrc.

No its literally BarrywithaC


Which is originally in Japanese, so git.

I watched it in Swedish, but I wasn’t a fan of it, too girly for me. Romance n sheisse, go away.

You seem to be stuck on a loop-record that I mentioned a video. I explained it back then and in this thread too. In the news sources I checked(several) they mentioned that -several- students approached the school board with video footage to strenghten their testimonies. And that this was crucial in what got him to resign.

I never once -ever- stated I had a video to share or that I had watched it myself.

Also, since I have been studying to be a teacher myself, there is actually a law, and US has it as well that makes it -completly- illegal, like heavily so to simply fire a teacher for no legitimate reasons. So it is factually impossible for a guy to be “innocently fired” as you deemed him due to PC culture.

The fact that he was forced to resign by the school, means he was in the wrong. As is that the lawsuit had no relevance to him losing his job, but if the school did enough to protect him from threats that arose because of the situation.

My -opinion- was that the email in the context of what happened, was racist. You disagreed and therefore made a story in your head how I was liar and has spent over a year hating me and building up fake statements which accumulated in this thread where you spent nearly 4 hours directly attacking me as a person for existing.

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I disagree. My point about the PC is that it can be a dangerous culture because we have issues to place regulations on it.

The point in this thread is that she outright took a fairly uncontroversial statement ( the e-mail is not racist) and made a case for it to be false, claiming from one side that it is evident and from the other one that it is not, as it’s just her subjective opinion.

You claimed that “there was evidence” that created, in your words, a context in which the alleged mail was racist. Which, mind, is the starting point.

But you yourself haven’t seen any video, and are basing your claim [that the context was racist to begin with] upon the accusations formulated in said videos that you just claim some students have formulated… but have never seen yourself!

In other terms, your pov is unreliable, as you didn’t do the research to validate said context, but you are just assuming it because hey, some student accused him, so it must be true.