Kakio de la renard?

I dunno, Netflix has been pretty :zzz: lately, except for BoJack Horseman season 6.

Im gonna step away from this again and just let it be, but I still think Athramus is in need of some prety dire proffesional help considering his behaviour and stalker tendencies he’s displayed here.

Remember folks, -ALL- of this came from that he apparantly hated that I called his opinion I disagreed with a subjective opinion and not a fact. ONE YEAR AGO.

For your own mental health, avoid this individual. I will do from now on. Have a good night folks.


Schitt’s Creek

If you want light and easy

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You too!

Log onto your warlock later, I sent ya something. :heart:

So basically you lost and are retreating?

Wise words from a wise gnome.

Watch The King, it’s good acting and Henry V was p cool.

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I said light and easy, smh my head.

But killing the french should come light and easy for any britoid?

I’m afraid this is another argument you’ve lost

I’ve read not a line of it but you’ve managed to convince the audience that you’re the unsympathetic party. You can post as many latin phrases as you want but you got milly rocked here 100%


I enjoyed The King but I still think Outlaw King was the best medieval drama movie Netflix has made.

I’m still pissed they cut it into two parts.

Let’s hope they won’t do the same to the Dragon Prince season 3.

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Harry Enfield and Chums or One Punch Man? I’ve whittled it down to those two. I feel like rewatching something.

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It wasn’t a political debate either. It was just to prove that her points are strawmen; she claimed a non-racist e-mail was actually racist, which is something that doesn’t come across from the e-mail (she herself argued it comes across judging by the context, but now she claims she never had access to this context in the first place, kinda reinforcing my point that she just twists the informations she has)

I thought that it was an exemplary case because, well, that’s easy to prove: the mail is either racist or it’s not. She took it personal (admittedly, that is what I wanted) and became all stressed about it.

I just wrote “weinstein scandal” in the WoW forums genius. How many threads about said topic you think are being formulated on this platform?

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One punch man

Enfield any day.

You’re not making this any easier, guys

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It’s soon going to blow out of proportion. Any minute now.

Timothee and Pattinson was great in it, the end was a bit ??? ok then ??? though. I thought the depiction of Agincourt was really cool. I also enjoyed the Outlaw King too, but Henry V…


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