Kakio de la renard?

How did we get ~100 new posts here since I’ve last checked the thread?

I don’t buy that, stop stalking me you sick pervert.


Read it…

Yeah, let’s pretend you ain’t an obsessed attention seeking phallushead.

I try telling Aerilen the same thing, but it never stops him

…or do yourself a favour and don’t read it😳

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Drama is juicy, folk love it.

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How am I a pervert for replying to your replies? I would like to remind you that it has always been you who initiated the discussion in this thread and, I’m fairly sure, in most of our other conversations.

If you feel uncomfortable replying to me, don’t do it.

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Gnomish meltdown after a failed tinker experiment gone viral!

More news on 10.


I don’t remember it being a political debate until you stuck your oar in tbh

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I like that song. Good childhood number.

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I feel uncomfortable that you’ve stalked me for a year and very clearly saved an argument that was gone and forgotten.

And I iniated past discussions calmly and nice, you immediatly jumped on me with personal attacks.

Has anyone got any good Netflix recommends? I’m low energy after work, so something light and easy please.

Hmm… nope sorry

Archer, only netflix thing I’ve seen.

I do need to keep watching Archer, I’m a few seasons behind.

Enchantment if you enjoy a slightly more adult version of Futurama but in an almost D&D setting


Keeping topic relevance

I loved season one, but I’m saving season two for when I can focus and enjoy it.